Treacy: It would seem that the problems mentioned below do not stem from 
        de-regulation but from profit maximizing behavior in the wrong 
        context.  In Ohio we are allowing competition for local service 
        providers--Ameritech and Cincinnati Bell--- such as Time Warner 
        Cable Company.  Under these conditions if you don't like your local 
        service switch to another.    
On Wed, 13 Sep 1995, D Shniad wrote:

>    Carriers are cutting staffs and re-
> engineering service operations to maximize
> profits as they foresee de-regulation and the
> onset of local loop competition.  Network
> managers recommend that service subscribers
> watch for service problems and try to have
> them  addressed early.
>    Regulatory commissions fault US West's
> service throughout the regional Bell
> Operating  Company's 14-state service area.
> US West must  now meet a newly set standard
> of service in  Arizona or face fines of up to
> $5,000 per  incident.  Two weeks ago the
> company was fined  $424,000 in Colorado for
> service quality  violations.  US West had
> downsized too much.   As it turned out, the
> company says, line  growth was 500,000 more
> than projected and bad  weather worsened the
> problem.  Other Bells,  including Nynex, have
> had troubles.  Nynex and  New York State last
> week agreed to a regulatory  scheme that
> requires New York Telephone Co. to  refund
> users' money should service standards not  be
> met.
>    Analyst Robert Rosenberg says, "The phone
> companies are weakened by loss of morale and
> productivity of workers uncertain about their
> futures."
>    The Iowa Telecommunications User Group
> received so many complaints last summer that
> it  demanded a second meeting -- after it had
> had  its annual meeting -- with US West.  The
> complaints included missing appointments for
> service and installation and new orders
> incorrectly provisioned.
>                        --Network World
>                           08/07/95

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