Thanks to Jim Westrich for that note.  I didn't get your personal address so
I apologize for replying to the list.  In terms of understanding the reasons
for Medicaid growth since 1988, what do you think of Holohan, et al's book
_Medicaid Since 1980_ put out by the Urban Institute.  I have it, but
haven't read it yet.  Wondering if it differs from the National Academy's
study.  Also, what's the best way to GET that study?

Thanks, with apologies to the rest of the list. 

Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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