The Brecht Forum

The New York Marxist School
122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 242-4201
(212) 741-4563 (fax)

Popular Culture in the United States:
A Gramscian Perspective

a talk by Joseph Buttigieg

Monday, December 11 at 8 pm

Gramsci's theory of the "national-popular" has interesting
implications for the development of a distinctively socialist
popular culture. This talk will focus on the ways in which
Gramsci's ideas on folklore, common sense and good sense, and the
relation between class and ideology can sharpen our understanding
of popular culture in the United States.

Author and Gramsci scholar Joseph A. Buttigieg is Professor of
English and Fellow of the Center for European Studies at the
University of Notre Dame.

Admission is $6.


All Brecht Forum lectures are available on audiotape at $8 per
lecture. To order, make checks payable to *The Brecht Forum* and
mail to The Brecht Forum, 122 West 27 Street, 10 floor, New York,
New York 10001. For orders outside the U.S., please send a bank
check or international money order payable in U.S. funds and
enclose an additional US$5 per order to cover air postage.


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