I think I have found an alternative explanation for the difference 
between my conclusions and Doug's.  Without looking up numbers of my own 
and using Doug's 39.3% as the wage share, I realize that Doug is not 
introducing unproductive labor into his calculations.  Unproductive labor 
is paid out of surplus value and therefore over-estimates remuneration to 
value- and surplus value- producing labor.  This over-estimation can be 
quite substantial (in the order of doubling for the U.S. economy if the 
numbers I remember from Shaikh and from Wolff are correct).  Suppose the 
rate of surplus value then is not 60.7/39.3 or something like that, but 
80.3/19.7.  Then real minimum wages and real average wages could double 
and still imply a rate of exploitation on the order of 150%.

If the above is approximately correct, I do not consider my comments on a 
$10 minimum wage in real terms, radical, since it still leaves intact the 
foundations of the capitalist mode of production.  Maybe it could become 
a proposal in the same sense of many of the proposals in the Communist 
Manifesto, but it does seem even less "radical" than ending, say, child 

Patrick, I appreciate your calculations, but for a person who really got 
into the Cambridge capital theory controversy at one point I am 
uncomfortable with your easy association of the neoclassical construct of 
real "capital" as K, with Marx's C.  It's not that I dismiss it 
altogether, it's just that these formulas that Robert Solow might throw 
at us have to be treated with a level of distrust.  However, if others 
want to get into this discussion, we could do so.

Paul Zarembka, State University of New York at Buffalo


On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, Patrick L. Mason wrote:

> I tend to agree with most of the posts from Doug Henwood. I tend to agree with
> most of the post from Paul Zaremka. Hence, the recent disagreement between
> Comrades Zaremka and Henwood -- to the point of irritation of Brother Paul
> -- created an existential crisis of the higher order for me. :):):)
> Let me respond to Zaremka's question on changes in the minimum wage with the
> following example.
> r = S/(C + V) = (p - k)*Q/K = (p - k)*(Q/L)/(K/L)
> p = unit selling price
> k = unit cost (wages, circulating capital, depreciation)
> Q = output
> L = size of productive labor force
> K = fixed capital investment
> Suppose between timeperiod t and timeperiod t + n that both productivity
> (Q/L) and capital intensity (K/L) have increased, but capital intensity has
> increased faster than productivity. So, capital per unit of output (K/Q) is
> less at period t than period t + n. 
> Under this scenario, equal rates of profit at t and t + n will require a
> higher rate of exploitation at time t + n than at time t, i.e., (p -
> k)*(Q/L) at time t + n will have to be higher than at time t. 
> r(t)       = [p(t) - k(t)]         * [q(t)]      / [K(t)/L(t)]
> (1)
> r(t+n)   = [p(t+n) - k(t+n)]* [q(t+n)]  / [K(t+n)/L(t+n)]
>   [K(t+n)/L(t+n)]   >      [q(t+n)]   > 1
> (2)
>   [K(t)/L(t)]                    [q(t)]
> The intertemporal change in capital intensity exceeds the intertemporal
> change in 
> productivity, which exceeds unity. Hence if let r(t) = r(t+n) = r then we
> may write:
>        [q(t+n)]  =  *  [K(t+n)/L(t+n)]                      (3)
>        [q(t)] *  [K(t)/L(t)]
> By equation (2): [p(t) - k(t)]/ [p(t+n) - k(t+n)]  < 1.
> So, both Zaremka and Henvood have partially correct. The tremendous rise in
> productivity does create room for a rise in the minimum wage. But, the increase
> in productivity may have occurred with an even greater increase in capital
> intensity.
> In which case, there are definitely limits to the increase in any particular
> capital's
> wage rate before profitability is threatened.
> Of course, Howard Botwinick discussed all of this in his book, Persistent
> Inequalities. Any, I also discussed these issues in my August CJE article.
> Crass self promotion? Yeah.
> peace, patrick l mason

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