Dear Penners and Friends:

Please forward this message to anyone and everyone who might be convinced to
call CNN after Monday and Tuesday.  Thanks in advance, Mike Meeropol
> From: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jeff Cohen, FAIR's Executive Director, will guest-host Crossfire on
> Monday, January 15 and Tuesday, January 16. Please tune in and let
> CNN know if Jeff Cohen is the kind of person you'd like to see
> hosting Crossfire permanently. We expect CNN to make a decision
> shortly.
> Tom Johnson
> President, CNN
> One CNN Center
> PO Box 105366
> Atlanta, GA 30348-5366
> CNN comment line is 404-827-1500.
>                                  ***
> The following was given to CNN in November:
>     An Open Letter to CNN on Selecting a Crossfire Co-host
> We send you this communication because we value the left vs. right
> debate format that CNN offers each night. Such a format can
> contribute greatly to democracy and national debate. 
> Together, our organizations represent millions of mainstream
> Americans -- and some of the leading progressive constituencies in
> our country. 
> Now that you are considering a new Crossfire co-host "from the
> left," we urge you to choose an individual who is an unapologetic
> advocate for progressive issues. 
> As Crossfire co-hosts, Patrick Buchanan, John Sununu and Bob Novak
> have been forceful on-air champions of most right-wing causes and
> movements. But the other side has often been represented by
> individuals who -- while informed and articulate -- are not allied
> with or strongly supportive of progressive constituencies. This
> creates an imbalanced, incomplete and sometimes fuzzy debate.
> We encourage you to choose a bonafide advocate for progressive
> causes and activism -- and not a middle-of-the-road establishment
> pundit or political figure who just happens to be a Democrat. 
> Public Citizen
> Ralph Nader
> National Organization for Women
> National Education Association
> United Steelworkers of America
> National Rainbow Coalition
> Southern Christian Leadership Conference
> National Council of La Raza
> Sierra Club
> Greenpeace
> Earth Island Institute
> Center for Defense Information
> Peace Action (formerly SANE/Freeze)
> Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers
> Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation 
> Americans for Democratic Action

Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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