If only they'd de-regulate prayer! (Or is it schools they need to deregulate
so we can pray in them?)

Doug Henwood wrote:

> [Gore has the answer to airplane safety - prayer!]
>                              THE WHITE HOUSE
>                        Office of the Vice President
> ________________________________________________________________________
> For Immediate Release                                   February 1, 2000
>                      STATEMENT BY THE VICE PRESIDENT
>       I ask the American people to join Tipper and me in praying for
> those who were traveling on Alaska Airlines Flight 261.
>       To the families, friends and loved ones of the passengers and crew,
> I want you to know that we will do everything within our power to find
> the cause of yesterday's crash and take any and all steps to prevent any
> such future tragedies.
>       Our nation's prayers, our thoughts, and our hopes are with you
> during this difficult time.
>                                    ###

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