The Brecht Forum

The New York Marxist School
122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 242-4201
(212) 741-4563 (fax)

Reading the Economic News

a class taught by Doug Henwood

Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm beginning April 3

The stock market is at record highs, the economy is
officially growing, but big firms are laying off people
by the thousands and most households are lucky to see
their incomes stagnating rather than shrinking. What's
going on? Doug Henwood reads the business and general
press with a critical eye, trying to make sense of the
economic news, both as it's reported and as it really is.

Doug Henwood is the author of the forthcoming book, _Wall
Street_, to be published by Verso. He is also the editor/
publisher of _Left Business Observer_ and host of
Thursday's _Behind the News_ on WBAI radio.

Suggested tuition is $25.


You can register in the following ways: 1) make check or
money order payable to *The Brecht Forum* and send to The
Brecht Forum, 122 West 27 Street, 10 floor, New York, New
York 10001; 2) with Visa or MasterCard--fax to (212) 741-
4563 or e-mail to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and include
complete account information and expiration date; 3)
register in person on the first day of class.


The 1996 Socialist Scholars Conference will be held on
April 12-14 at Borough of Manhattan Community College,
199 Chambers Street, New York City. This year's theme is
"Two Cheers for Utopia: Re-Imagining Socialism." For more
information call (212) 642-2826 or fax (212) 642-2419 or
e-mail to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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