It appears that the economic pundits (at least one) and the Clinton
Administration have attempted to counter the complaints of workers, etc.
that inequality is increasing, that job insecurity is increasing, etc. etc.
--- we have Robert Samuelson's new book (prominently featured in NEWSWEEK)
and the CEA report on job creation.

Has anyone out there had the (dubious) pleasure of reading Samuelson's
pompous work (pompous because in the Newsweek piece he basically complained
that the people worried about job insecurity and falling standards of living
had a PSYCHOLOGICAL problem since the economics he uncovered showed that
things are fine --- economic advancement continues apace, etc. etc.)?  Any
detailed comments??

I just ordered the CEA report.  If no one comments on it before I've
digested it, I'll file my own description/report on it to the net.

Good news bad news:  The good news:  I have more time to finish my book this
June; the bad news:  I do not have a summer course to teach since it didn't
get enough enrollment!

Cheers, Mike
Mike Meeropol
Economics Department
Cultures Past and Present Program
Western New England College
Springfield, Massachusetts
"Don't blame us, we voted for George McGovern!"
Unrepentent Leftist!!
[if at bitnet node:  in%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but that's fading fast!]

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