NYT: March 26, 2000

The Price of Oil
     Letters Index
   To the Editor:
   As a former oil trader, I think there are several issues to consider
   about the currently high price of oil ("Clinton Calls for New Pool of
   Heating Oil for Northeast," news article, March 19).
   The tightness in the oil market is directly attributable to our
   country's lackluster research and development in alternative fuels and
   the improvement of vehicular fuel mileage, as well as lack of
   investment in our railroads. It is also a result of an aggressive
   foreign policy that has left important oil-producing countries like
   the former Soviet Union and Iraq in shambles.
   Storing large quantities of heating oil can create its own problems:
   it becomes very expensive in oil markets that are (like now) declining
   in future value by more than $1 per barrel per month. And there are
   chemical and stability issues that usually mandate a product
   changeover every few years.
   Bedford Hills, N.Y., March 19, 2000
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