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              The Internet Anti-Fascist: Sunday, 26 Mar 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 26 (#407)

The protest, included below, by the Engineers Local 17 is a breath of fresh
air for a labor movement that has too often refused to fight for its

Some readers write asking why this journal has its specific labor focus.
Their questions are understandable, given the relative silence of the
unions in this area. For labor organizations were among the first groups
targeted by the fascists.

Organized labor today is the most targeted of all groups originally
attacked by the Nazis, while simultaneously the group that least responds
in an organized manner.

Attacks on labor unions, if they were directed in identical form against
Black or Jewish leaders and organizations, would be clearly labeled
derogatory and produce an immediate public outcry.

They do not. Labor may not be responsible for the attacks but its past
inactions are directly linked to the absent protests. Traditionally
marginalized groups like the gay community have formed special civil rights
organizations, witnessed by the latest protests against "Dr. Laura's"
homophobic outbursts. Black people, women, and even Arab-Americans have
formed similar groups; labor has not.

The attacks on labor will continue to go unanswered in many politically-
meaningful ways until this lack is rectified.

This is especially important in this period when the court injunction is
again becoming a popular way to defeat labor organizing.

In this sense, the leaders and members of the Engineers are to be commended
for launching their net-wide protest, documented below.

- - - - -

Norm Maleng
District Attorney
King County, Washington

Dear District Attorney,

It has recently come to our attention that your office has filed for an
injunction to block members and supporters of International Federation of
Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 17, AFL-CIO from attending
public hearings on matters of public interest. Moreover, we have also been
informed that your office sought an additional order to prevent members of
the union from speaking and protesting certain pending public actions.

We believe that these are attempts to stifle free expression by citizens
and especially the rights of labor to organize.

Moreover, in the era of the internet, it reveals more than contempt for the
constitutional rights of citizens: it reveals the stupidity of people
seeking such injunctions.

Any attempt to stifle the voice of Local 17 will result in the union's
voice reaching even more people. Numerous pro-labor and civil liberties
groups on the net will immediately establish web sites in sympathy with the
union's message your office sought to eliminate. The union's message will
be broadcast through all manner of net-based newsletters and news groups.

Any local injunction by a Washington state judge will have no power over
the union's supporters anywhere else in the U.S. And any federal injunction
would have no power over forces outside the country. On the net, web sites
at the far ends of the earth are as close as the web site next door.

We hope that your office abandons all attempts to limit the number of
citizens who hear Local 17's message. For if it does not, the message will
go out further and wider than it did before you office sought to limit the
union's rights.

Tradition maintains that the violation of rights originates with the
citizens and is stopped by the Prosecutor, not the other way around.


Paul Kneisel
Editor: The Internet Anti-Fascist

- - - - -

Prosecutor Abuses Power to Silence Union
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 17,
AFL-CIO (press release) 25 Mar 00

Washington State Labor Community Waits To See If Deputy County Prosecutor
Will Be Held Accountable For Abuse Of Power

Faced with global criticism of the union-busting tactics employed by the

King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES),
King County recently filed two motions with the Washington State Public
Employment Relations Commission (PERC) seeking to bar the media and public
from an unfair labor practice hearing and also seeking a gag order to
prevent the union from publicizing the county's abuses.

The first motion was aimed at keeping members of the media and public from
attending the hearing. King County Deputy Prosecutor Diane Hess-Taylor was
upset that a KIROTV news team and a group of protesters (not affiliated
with the union) attended an earlier stage of the hearing. She filed a 
motion seeking to exclude "certain" members of the public and media from
attending the full hearing on March 30 and 31. That motion was denied on 
March 13 as beyond the authority of PERC and an unconstitutional prior 
restraint on free speech and expression (King County, Decision 6994 PECB

"I never understood where Ms. Taylor thought she had the authority to hide
this matter from public scrutiny" said Ray Goforth, Union Representative
for the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers,
Local 17. Unless the litigation involves children or rape victims, the law
is quite clear:  The people have the right to know what is being done in
their name.  Local 17 is  the union prosecuting King County for unfair
labor practices.

The second motion filed by Prosecutor Diane Taylor was for a gag order on
IFPTE Local 17 itself. King County complained that Local 17 was publicizing
its charges against the County and asking its union members and supporters
to e-mail King County Executive Ron Sims about the illegal actions. The
King County Executive office reportedly received more than 2,000 e-mails
from Local 17 members, other unions and human rights groups from around the

"The attempted gag order showed an arrogance and contempt for the
democratic process not seen before from the King County Prosecutor's
Office," said Goforth.   Petitioning public officials for redress of
grievances is at the heart of protected free speech.  This gag order had
zero chance of actually being granted.  Its sole purpose was to harass and
intimidate the Union.  The very act of seeking the gag order constituted an
Unfair Labor Practice.  The labor community in Washington state is waiting
to see if Ms. Hess-Taylor will be held accountable for this abuse of power.

The King County Coalition of Unions (composed of all the labor unions which
represent King County employees) sent a letter to King County Prosecutor
Norm Maleng asking for a formal repudiation of the attempted gag order.

After the deluge of global criticism for their attempt to censor Local 17,
Deputy Prosecutor Diane Hess-Taylor withdrew her motion for the gag order
without comment on February 25.

"King County must cease its harassment of our union activists and hold
those who committed these abuses accountable," Goforth concluded.

                                 * * * * *

(IFPTE Local 17 is made up of 7,500 professional, technical and
administrative employees who serve the citizens of Washington at the
Washington State Departments of Transportation, Licensing, and Health, the
Washington State Patrol, Clark, King, Pierce and Spokane County, the cities
of Seattle and Tacoma and health departments in Benton,
Franklin, King, Kitsap, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom and Yakima Counties. 
Local 17 is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO.)

Those wishing to support the union can send polite e-mails to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asking that he repudiate the attempted
censorship. Please bcc or cc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on your e-mail. 

                           * * * * *

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distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only.


   We have no ethical right to forgive, no historical right to forget.     
      (No permission required for noncommercial reproduction)

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