From the moment TWA Flight 800 crashed into the Atlantic, there has been
non-stop propaganda that the plane was the target of a terrorist bomb.
Immediately, without any evidence, so-called experts on terrorism and
military officials were questioned--not about the crash, but about the
danger of terrorism.
    Why is this tragedy being used to create an atmosphere of fear and
apprehension? Who stands to benefit? In the wake of the TWA crash, the
bombings in Saudi Arabia and Atlanta, US imperialism is using terrorism for
its own ends--to win support for aggression abroad and justify attacks on
the rights of Americans.
    For example, under the guise of preventing terrorism, "search and
seizure" without any cause has become customary at airports. Baggage left
unattended, even for a few moments, can be seized and destroyed. Not only is
it necessary to pass through metal detectors, but passengers are often also
patted down with electronic batons.
    Now, Clinton has ordered increased security measures. The means and
number of these searches and seizure of personal property will be
intensified. The FBI--notorious for its surveillance and attacks on ordinary
people, especially Blacks and political activists--will now be given greater
authority to step up these attacks. Airport and related service workers are
automatically suspects, targets for searches and investigations by police
and FBI.
    Clinton is again pushing, and Congress is still debating, whether to
give the FBI "emergency" wire-tapping authority. The monopoly-controlled
media have been doing their part to back these measures by doing stories on
how many workers handle cargo, that they are not searched going into work,
etc. Next there will be demands that every employee be finger-printed,
interrogated, and provide their life history before they are allowed to work!
    What is to prevent all these militarist measures from being extended to
any worker that could possibly be involved? If these arbitrary measures
become common place at airports, why not everywhere?
    All of these measures serve to turn the issue of terrorism into a law
and order question. Ordinary people become suspects and treated like
criminals. They are forced to accept the humiliation of numerous searches
and arbitrary police action. State terrorism--organized by the government
against the people, increases. Imperialism, as the source and cause of both
individual and state terrorism, is let off the hook.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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