I thought this might be worth posting in light of recent
  discussion of the trends in academia--Peter

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Subject: For the academics on the list: tenure
Author:  Ingrid Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at SMTPLINK-LMU
Date:    9/8/96 7:07 PM

Date: Sun, 8 Sep 96 12:29:51 -0500
From: Elizabeth Belfiore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: tenure at MN
Please post this and the next e-mail to the Classics list and publicize as 
widely as possible.
Elizabeth Belfiore
 Dear colleagues,
I ask your help in an urgent matter that affects the entire academic 
profession.  On Sept. 5, the Board of Regents of the University of  Minnesota 
rejected a compromise proposed by the Faculty Senate on revisions of the 
tenure code and unilaterally proposed a revision that would effectively 
eliminate tenure.  They will vote on this proposal, which has been vigorously 
opposed by the faculty, on Oct. 10. Our President, Nils Hasselmo, at first 
encouraged the regents to make our tenure code "more flexible," then with 
mounting resistance by the University Faculty Alliance, an incipient faculty 
union, has now taken on the posture of heroic academic freedom.  Some key 
provisions of the Regents' proposal allow for:
(1) Firing faculty in case of program change 
(2) Reductions in base pay
(3) Rigorous post tenure reviews for all faculty
(4) Discipline, including dismissal, of faculty for such offenses as failure 
to "maintain a proper attitude of industry and cooperation with others within 
and without the University community."
(5) Elimination of current grievance rights
See the next e-mail for the statement on which this summary is based.
A statement issued by the Faculty Consultative Committee summarizes the damage 
that will be done by the Regents' proposed changes.
"The tenure revision proposal under consideration by the Board of Regents 
undermines the commonly accepted principles of academic freedom. If adopted, it 
will quickly and inevitably destroy our reputation, our competitive position, 
and our ability to serve the citizens of Minnesota.
Contrary to the claims of the outside lawyers and consultants engaged by the 
Regents, the proposed tenure revisions are drastically outside the norms
of Big 10 and other leading research universities. The revisions allow for 
virtually unlimited administrative arbitrariness in layoffs and salary 
reductions, and effectively demolish the protections to academic freedom 
afforded by tenure.
Academic freedom is of primary benefit not to professors, but to society. It 
allows faculty to do the novel research and develop the unconventional ideas 
that challenge current wisdom, improve our quality of life, and move 
civilization forward. Tenure, granted only after years of rigorous testing 
of probationary faculty, embodies the rules that protect academic freedom.
Tenure does not protect faculty from sanctions (including removal) if they are 
seriously derelict in their duty. But it must protect them from arbitrary 
actions by vindictive or short-sighted administrators, or pressures from 
external interest groups."
 Please contact the Regents as soon as possible, urging them to reject this
destructive proposal.  If tenure is eliminated at Minnesota, it will not  be 
long before it disappears elsewhere as well. Write to: Board of Regents, 
University of Minnesota, 220 Morrill Hall, Minneapolis MN 55455 and/or phone: 
612-625-6300. The Regents' proposal is available on the net: 
Please forward this appeal, and the document in the next e-mail, to as many 
people as possible.
Elizabeth Belfiore
Professor,Dept. of Classical and Near Eastern Studies 
University of Minnesota 330 Folwell Hall
9 Pleasant St., S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455  USA
(612) 625-4547; 625-5353

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