US imperialism usually justifies its aggression by claiming it is
protecting democracy or preventing "brutal acts" against civilians. Clinton
justified the bombing of Iraq in part by posing as the protector of the
Kurdish people in northern Iraq. To begin with, the US has no right to
interfere in the internal affairs of Iraq or any other country. A basic
tenet of democracy in the international arena is respect for sovereignty,
respect for the right of each country to decide its own internal affairs.
The entire territory of Iraq belongs to the people of Iraq. It is up to the
people of Iraq, including the Kurds, to decide the fate of their country,
its government, laws, etc. The US has no business dictating to them or
anyone else.
    The Kurdish people have a long history in the region with a population
spread out in mountainous regions in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Armenia.
The imperialist powers have repeatedly interfered and maneuvered to divide
the Kurds. During WW2, for example, the Kurds in Iran briefly established
their own independent state. After the War, the US interfered against the
Kurds, using their puppet, the Shah of Iran. In a bloody campaign, the Shah
literally wiped this Kurdish state off the map.
    The brutality of the Shah's regime was notorious worldwide. But the US
did not act to have the Shah "pay a price" for his brutality. On the
contrary, they fully funded and backed him as he was a faithful servant of
US imperialism. This stand, like that of Clinton today, shows US pragmatism
in action. There are no principles involved--whether respect for sovereignty
or defending democracy. Whatever meets US interests--whatever works--is what
is done.
    It was the people of Iran who stood up and overthrew the Shah in 1979
and kicked the US out. US imperialism has been trying to recapture control
ever since. The current attacks against Iraq, and the threats and recent US
law against Iran, the labeling of both as so-called "rogue" states--all have
everything to do with the US trying to dominate both Iran and Iraq and
control this strategic region and its oil. This aggression has to do with
securing profits for the US monopoly capitalist ruling class, not protecting
the Kurds or any of the people of this region.
    This reality is further illustrated by recent US efforts to use the
Kurds for their own ends. In a $20 million operation, the CIA infiltrated
and organized forces in northern Iraq to carry out a covert action to
overthrow the Iraqi government. This filthy CIA operation was smashed by the
Iraqi government. The US is now abandoning the Kurds to pursue what are
termed "greater strategic interests" in southern Iraq.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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