See Sigmund Diamond's "Compromised Campus" for a bit on Bundy's role in 
red-baiting at Harvard...I forget the details, but it was bad, had to 
do with permitting government spies in while he was Dean to put 
together files on professors..

Bundy also, as the NYT did not mention, was a principal architect of 
the Hiroshiman myth, in his work helping ghost Stimson's definitive 
Harper's article of 1947 on why the bomb was dropped--the Official 
Version which literally invented the notion of "a million casualties" saved
by dropping the bomb. See Gar Alperovitz, "The Decision to Use the 
Atomic Bomb", pp.448-471 for details.

Jime Hershbergs' biography of James Conant (1994) covers the same 
ground as well as the whole question of red-baiting at Harvard both 
before and after the war.

Historian Kai Bird is writing a critical bio of the Bundy 
family--William, Harvey, , McGeorge, whiich is sure to do plenty to 
contradict Schlesinger's shameful quote in the Times re Bundy as a man 
of "integrity". 

Thad Williamson
 > I was just reading McGeorge Bundy's obit in the NYTimes, which goes into
 > considerable detail about his Kennedy Admin days, but only says the
 > following about his tenure as Dean at Harvard, beginning in 1953:
 > "He was named dean of the faculty of arts and sciences at the age of 32, on
 > Sept. 1, 1953. He was known as an anti-bureaucratic innovator, favored by
 > students and faculty members, who made academic reforms and encouraged
 > students to do independent study outside traditional academic formats."
 > A question for those out there who might be even grayer than I am:  Wasn't
 > Bundy also architect of the McCarthy-driven purges and harassment of
 > lefties at Harvard during this period, behavior which presaged his later
 > cold war role with the Kennedy Administration?
 > -Sandy
 > _________________________
 > Alexander M. Thompson III
 > Professor of Economics &
 > Dean of Studies
 > Vassar College Box 5
 > Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
 > tel: (914) 437-5257
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