Chinese Workers Are Showing Disenchantment
Official Statistics Show Number of Labor Disputes Has Soared as Workers 
Complain of Late or No Pay, Layoffs, Corruption
By John Pomfret
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, April 23, 2000; Page A23

BEIJING—The number of labor disputes in China has skyrocketed--to more than 
120,000 in 1999--as workers in unprecedented numbers get laid off, are paid 
late or not at all and feel cheated by corrupt officials who sell state 
property for a pittance to friends, relatives and colleagues.

Official Labor Ministry statistics passed to a Western diplomat and a 
recent article in the journal Legal Research showed 14 times more labor 
disputes--from simple contractual disagreements to work stoppages and 
strikes--last year than in 1992. The article and labor officials' 
willingness to speak about the issue marked a departure for the Communist 
Party, which has struggled to maintain stability in Chinese cities in the 
wrenching transformation from a planned economy to something akin to a 
market economy.

The strains were highlighted in late February when tens of thousands of 
workers erupted in a violent protest at China's biggest nonferrous metal 
mine near the Bohai Sea in the northeast. Workers there burned cars, broke 
windows and kept police and the army at bay for several days as they 
protested what they said was an unfair and corrupt handling of the mine's 

Chinese labor conditions have been the subject of increased international 
scrutiny in advance of a vote in the U.S. Congress on granting China 
permanent normal trade relations, a major stepping stone to its accession 
to the World Trade Organization. U.S. labor unions, led by the AFL-CIO, 
have argued that entry into the WTO would result in a deterioration of 
China's already limited labor rights. Chinese law does not provide for the 
right to strike and bans independent unions.

The statistics show a jump from 8,150 labor disputes in 1992 to more than 
120,000 last year, answering a question posed often by China scholars: Is 
the urban labor situation getting tenser, or is it simply that China's 
increasing openness allows for more information about a fixed number of 

"This is significant. It shows things are getting more difficult," said 
Anita Chan, an expert on China's labor relations at Australian National 
University in Canberra.

At the same time, the statistics also helped explain why the increased 
unrest has yet to translate into a movement challenging the Communist 
Party's monopoly on power or seeking to establish independent labor unions. 
While collective labor disputes, in which workers seek to bargain in a 
unit, are increasing rapidly, they still make up a minority of the overall 
disputes--7 percent in 1998, the last year available. And no evidence 
exists of workers uniting to strike at several businesses at the same time.

Besides unrest over wages, labor disputes typically involve unpaid pensions 
to laid-off employees, poor working conditions and the sell-off of state 
enterprises that workers believe involved fraud by management.

Andrew Walder, an expert on Chinese urban workers at Stanford University, 
said a key reason the unrest hasn't translated into a broader movement is 
that strikes remain scattered and workers are unwilling or unable to unite 
to pursue broader goals.

"There have been periodic press reports for most of the last 10 to 15 years 
or so that labor disputes are on the rise in China," he said. "It makes a 
great deal of sense that they would be: Wage issues came to the forefront 
in the 1980s and increasing job insecurity and layoffs [became] a big issue 
in the 1990s. Should we get worked up about such reports? Probably not. 
Scattered strikes are politically meaningless. If and when a national or 
regional trade union is organized and survives openly for a while--which is 
very unlikely--we should then begin to read political significance into all 

Some researchers suggested that the 1999 figure for labor disputes, which 
represented a 29 percent increase over 1998, was limited by massive 
government subsidies. Last year during the 50th anniversary of China's 
Communist revolution, party officials were told to stress stability at all 

"Labor relations in 2000 will deteriorate as special subsidies fade out, 
the economic and labor 'reforms' intensify and more and more workers are 
laid off," said Tak Chuen, an expert on China's labor issues at Hong Kong 
Baptist University.

Chuen said Chinese workers face a difficult situation because accession to 
the WTO will do nothing to improve their livelihood, at least in the short 
run, but failure to do so will not help either.

The Legal Research article, written by retired scholar Shi Tanjing and 
published in November, called on the government to end its ban on strikes. 
The right to strike was removed from China's constitution in 1982.

Shi said labor disputes in China are increasing because "the rights of the 
workers have been infringed." But the article notes that workers have been 
winning the disputes, in arbitration courts and in judicial courts, at 
rates of 3 to 1, 4 to 1 and even 18 to 1 in some regions.

This underscores a main strategy China's government uses to deal with labor 
unrest: giving in to most workers' demands. For instance, Labor Ministry 
officials said this week that China plans to double spending on worker 
issues such as back pay, unpaid pensions and medical insurance, a Western 
source said.

Eleven million Chinese will be unemployed by the end of this year, the 
Labor Ministry has estimated.

Shi noted that the hot spots for labor unrest are concentrated in 
state-owned enterprises in China's rust belt in the northeast and in coal 
mines, textile mills and forestry departments. Some 40,000 businesses ran 
out of cash in 1997, he said, meaning 11 million workers were not paid.

In the more economically developed southern provinces of Guangdong and 
Fujian, he said, most of the disputes centered on private or semiprivate 
firms where the "managers in their quest for profit egregiously exploit 
workers." Indeed, the sweatshops of Guangdong are famed for exploitation 
and danger. Maiming is commonplace because of bad machinery and poor 
training, and wages are very low.

Shi said a trend to watch is growth in collective labor disputes, which 
occurred 6,567 times in 1998--nine times more than in 1993--and involved 
251,268 workers.

Shi's report also marked the first public acknowledgment of labor disputes 
in Beijing, the capital. He said the number of labor disputes here almost 
doubled in the first half of 1999 compared with the same period in 1998, 
while the number of collective disputes more than quadrupled.

Shi did not include statistics on strikes, partially, he wrote, because 
official newspapers do not publish them and Chinese officials ordinarily 
suppress that data for fear of hurting their political careers.

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