>Obviously, I have a preference for issues that concern directly
>the third world; but, overall speaking, in the 'global context' we 
>are submerged, there is little that would not influence in one way 
>or another, at the end, the lifes of people in the third world (and 
>viceversa). I have to admit that 'I have had it' with the international 
>financial institutions (WB,  IMF, IADBs, etc.), because of their 
>overwhelming pressure on the third world, but *also* because I 
>believe they are terribly effective and dangerous at proliferating 
>the most orthodox mainstream economics, all over the world (at the 
>level of politics,  but also research and teaching). And this worries 
>me, be it for  its present *and also* its long term impact...

Beste Alex

hoe gaat het u? ik hoop dat je zijn wel. (i can add all those strange dutch
sounds too if you like).

so when were you ever enamoured with SAPs? how could they ever do the world any
good when the US President gets to appoint the WB President and the US
dominates both institutions?

i don't know of a single country that has benefitted from the programmes
(either IMF and/or WB). why should they? they are just orthodox economic

what amazes me is how little mapping there is b/tw the disasters of SAP
experiments and the mainstream of our profession. if i banged my head up
against the wall once, i might attribute the pain to some random occurrence.
twice i might start getting clever and three times i would get it i think.

how many countries have gone under SAP misery since 1980? 80 or so. when are
these bastards going to get it. the evidence is in.   labour markets don't work
like they think. the programmes don't work.

btw, alex, isn't it good that the spelling has improved on pen-l today. we
finally spell labour right, programmes.......etc.


kind regards

         ####    ##       William F. Mitchell
       #######   ####     Head of Economics Department
     #################    University of Newcastle
   ####################   New South Wales, Australia
   ###################*   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ###################    Phone: +61 49 215065
    #####      ## ###            +61 49 215027
                          Fax:   +61 49 216919  
                  ##      http://econ-www.newcastle.edu.au/~bill/billyhp.html   

"only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money."
(Cree Indian saying...circa 1909)

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