Hi folks,

In the context of a discussion today of the social construction of race, 
a student brought up the myth of differences in musculature between 
Africans and Europeans, insisting that in fact there were real 
and significant differences. 

This came in at the end of class, so next time I want to pursue it 
along the lines of:  "do all Africans have this alleged difference? ie, 
South African Bantu speaking folks, as well as Northern desert dwellers 
or eastern Somalis, and  does this difference in muscle structure stop at 
the Nile?" 

But beyond this, does anyone have an authoritative source on the genesis 
of this belief, so I can set him (and the class) straight?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Eban Goodstein                          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Economics                 phone:  503-768-7626
Lewis and Clark College                 fax:    503-768-7379
Portland, OR 97219

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