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The Brecht Forum

and its projects:
The New York Marxist School and
The Institute for Popular Education


The Legacy of Ernest Mandel

a talk by Alan Freeman

Wednesday, December 4 at 7:30 pm

Ernest Mandel stood out in the twentieth century as a Marxist
economist who explicitly denied any self-equilibrating of
capitalism. On this basis, he produced a radically new account
of uneven development in the Third World and successfully
predicted the end of the post-world War II boom. Alan Freeman
will discuss the relevance of Mandel's work for contemporary
social and economic issues.

Alan Freeman, a Lecturer at the University of Greenwich,
co-edited _Ricardo, Marx, and Sraffa_ with Ernest Mandel and
_Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics_ with Guglielmo Carchedi.

Admission is $6.

The Brecht Forum is located at:

122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001

Phone: (212) 242-4201
Fax: (212) 741-4563


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