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an all-new format includes breaking news: * occupation at uiuc * strike
at uc * sit-in at osu * decision at the nlrb* vote at emu * election at
cuny * teach-in at gwu *

Issue 3.1 (May 2000) of  *workplace: a journal for academic labor* now
available at:

contributions by: * jamie owen daniel * doug henwood * ken surin * rich
daniels * leo parascondola * chantal sundaram * doug ivison * ellie
kennedy * mikael swayze * sarah riegel * aparna sundar and kyoko sato *
and many others

Feature sections
"The WTO and After," edited by Christian Gregory
"Organizing Canada," edited by Daniel Kim  ("These young people are
being starved and bullied," wrote Margaret Atwood)

"This raises the question of why labor has suddenly become a field in
which undergraduates and even high school students get energized and do
work. It feels like a new field to struggle in.." Barbara Bowen,
speaking with Ann Wallace

"I might call it the forgotten generation, to reflect the daunting fact
that a majority of people who did graduate work through the 90s have not
gotten or will not get permanent jobs." Jeffrey Williams, speaking with
Felicia Carr

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