Hello Michael,  

We would be very interested in having you come to the Calif State 
Polytechnic Univ., Pomona.  Unfortunately, our school is on the 
quarter system and we don't start until late September.  I am 
presently chair of the Faculty Senate, but next year I may be the 
President of the local faculty union: Calif Faculty Assocn.  The Cal 
State System has a _very_ unpopular working contract now and it comes 
up for renewal in 1998.  We could furnish at least $100 for 
transportation and you're welcome to stay with me for housing -- or 
any of several others around here.  Pomona is about 40 miles from LA, 
near the Claremont Colleges; Jim Devine has been out here speaking a 
couple of years ago.  I'm an Institutionalist/Marxist, aging, with an 
fbi file that goes back to the late 1950's.  If any of this is of 
interest, and if it fits in with your schedule, let me know at any 
time.  Speaking at our campus would probably be best in early 
October, though we could see about late Sept.  My name and stuff is 
below.  My home telephone is: 909-357-2881.  Good luck with your 
trip.  Fraternally, Larry Shute  ps: if I can get more money I will.
Dear friends,

I will be on a leave from the first of May until the end of December.  I am 
interested in moving around the country, meeting activists and perhaps speaking. 
 I will be on the West Coast in September for sure.  I have given many talks to 
college groups and union groups.  I know the most about labor-related issues, so 
these are what I am most interested in talking about.  I also have done many 
seminars with union groups on subjects ranging from collective bargaining to 
labor law to labor economics.  For worker and community groups, I am happy to 
speak for free (I just require a place to stay and something toward 
transportation).  Should anyone be interested, I can provide a vita and video 
and audio tapes.

in solidarity,

Michael Yates
Economics Dept.
Univ. of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Johnstown, PA 15904
Laurence Shute                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Department of Economics               Voice: 909.869.3850
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, CA  91768-4070  USA           FAX: 909.869.6987

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