Bob, here is the original post.  There is no other post.  This is the 
only one dealing explicitly with Modern Communism.

Now, as for your question, "What is Modern Communism?", the answer, as 
I've already indicated, is contained in the post, in the second 
paragraph.  If you need elaboration, please be specific.

Bob asks:

Shawgi Tell;

What is modern Communism? Extremely interested in how it got their also.

Bob malecki

>Why is it that not a day goes by without the bourgeoisie attacking
>communism, through its media, think-tanks, universities and in a
>million and one other ways? If communism is "finished," "dead,"
>"utopian," "dictatorial," "totalitarian," "the antithesis of human
>rights" and any number of other colorful epithets which come to
>mind, what are imperialism and the bourgeoisie worried about?     
> The real issue is that imperialism and the bourgeoisie can only
>continue to keep themselves in power so long as the working class
>and all the forces in society which stand to gain from coming to
>power themselves are confused about the significance of what is
>going on in the society and their consequent line of march.      
>The aim of the ideological and political confusion-making of the
>bourgeoisie is to ensure that the workers, women, youth, students
>and others do not seriously think about the causes of the problems
>as they exist in the society and how to deal with them. The
>bourgeoisie makes communism and the communist party the targets of
>its attack because they are the main instruments of
>enlightenment and of the new arrangements which are required to
>open society's path for progress. 
>   Modern Communism is the profound revolutionary condition for the
>complete emancipation of the working class and all of humanity, in
>which people are the creators of their own history. It emerges out
>of the concrete conditions of capitalism in which production is
>social but appropriation is private. It is this contradiction
>between the character of production and the means of its
>appropriation which is accentuating the contradiction which is
>tearing the society apart - the contradiction between the
>productive forces and the old moribund relations of production. The
>condition of Modern Communism comes into being after a
>thoroughgoing resolution of this contradiction. The stage of
>socialism is the transition period between capitalism and
>communism. But imperialism and the reactionary bourgeoisie present
>Modern Communism as if it is a set of lunatic principles
>conjured-up and imposed on the objective world by self-serving
>power hungry maniacs or utopians who are simply out of tune with
>the "harsh realities" of life
>     In other words, without Modern Communism the workers and
>people cannot find their bearings. The bourgeoisie does not want
>people to embrace communism and the communist party for no other
>reason than to keep them disoriented and unable to direct the
>strength of their numbers and organization in a manner which
>benefits them, not the bourgeoisie.
>Shawgi Tell
>University at Buffalo
>Graduate School of Education

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