> UN chief says US should reconsider Cuba embargo 
> 07:37 p.m Apr 29, 1997 Eastern 
> UNITED NATIONS, April 29 (Reuter) - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on
> Tuesday said he hoped the United States would reconsider its 30-year-old
> embargo against Cuba soon. 
> ``Let me say that the sanctions have been enforced for over 30 years and
> Cuba is still managing somehow,'' he said in response to a question. ``I
> would really hope the time will come in the not-too-distant future when
> that embargo will be reconsidered.'' 
> Answering queries during a global forum organised by the CNN cable news
> network, Annan hesitated at first, apparently realising the controversy his
> answer might provoke. 
> ``I thought you were a friend,'' he teased the questioner, adding: ``I know
> you didn't expect this answer but I think it is the way I feel.'' 
> He said he thought Cuba's natural market was the United States and there
> were situations in which more positive change could be brought about by
> opening a door than by closing one. 
> ``I think we've seen it in the former Soviet Union. We've seen it in the
> Russian Federation,'' he said. ``And in fact we need to look at all these
> examples and say 'What is the best approach in fostering change, in
> encouraging democratic practices and ensuring that people have the human
> rights that they need.''' 
> Annan said the world needed to take a broad view of security and understand
> that when people have a meaningful economic and social life they are often
> able to influence their own governments. 
> The U.N. General Assembly for the past five years has adopted a resolution
> by an overwhelming majority calling for the end of the U.S. economic
> embargo against Cuba. Only the United States, Israel and Uzbekistan voted
> against the resolution last November, while 25 other nations abstained.

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