From: Mike Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Nike sign-on letter

Labor Alerts/Labor News
a service of Campaign for Labor Rights

Global Exchange has drafted the following sign-on letter to Nike CEO Philip 
Knight.  They are asking for both individuals and groups to sign on.  They
are especially interested in getting signatures from groups and prominent
individuals in the religious, human rights, women, investor, social justice,
academic and sports communities.

Please print, sign and return the letter to:

Global Exchange
2017 Mission Street, #303
San Francisco, CA 94110

Questions?  Contact Global Exchange: 415-255-7296 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nike campaign resources: Campaign for Labor Rights has a frequently updated
Nike action packet available in hard copy ($3 to $5 donation requested) and
free via email.  To receive a copy, contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or  (541)
344-5410.  The resources section of the action packet has two pages of
listings, including the Nike Campaign Document Library: articles about Nike
which we can forward to you via email.

May, 1997

Philip Knight
CEO, Nike Corporation
One Bowerman Drive
Beaverton, OR 97005

Dear Mr. Knight,

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about ongoing problems in
factories in Indonesia and Vietnam that produce Nike shoes. These problems
include inadequate pay, forced overtime, and abusive treatment of workers.
The massive recent strikes involving 10,000 workers in Indonesia and 1,300
in Vietnam give new urgency to the need to find a solution.

We understand that Nike has taken some actions to address these problems,
including creating a Labor Relations Department, hiring the accounting firm
Ernst and Young to monitor the factories, hiring former Ambassador Andrew
Young to review implementation of Nike's Code of Conduct, joining Business
for Social Responsibility  and participating in the Presidential task force
on sweatshops. However, none of these moves has been adequate to address the
root of the problem, which is that Nike is not paying its overseas workers a
living wage. The wage in Vietnam of $1.60 a day is not enough for three
decent meals a day, let alone housing, transportation, clothing and health
care. In Indonesia, the government itself says that the minimum wage, which
is now $2.50 a day in Jakarta, covers only 90 percent of the basic
subsistence needs of one person. 

Nike, with its tremendous financial resources, should and must do better.
We call on Nike to take two steps:

1. Pay workers enough for them to live decent, dignified lives. In Vietnam
that means at least $3 a day, and in Indonesia at least $4 a day. 

2. Institute independent monitoring by respected groups that can communicate
well with both the company and the workers. For Indonesia, we urge you to
immediately hire the Indonesian Sports Shoe Monitoring Network, and for
Vietnam, Vietnam Labor Watch.

We urge you to take these actions quickly to avoid further trauma to the
workers who make your products and further erosion of Nike's good name. If
you pay your workers a living wage, and use these respected groups as
monitors, we are certain that the company and the workers will all 
benefit, and that consumers will start feeling better again about buying
your products.


name signed

name printed

organization (if applicable)

street address

city   state/province   zip/postal code

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