There is a one-volume anthology of writing on globalization that is not bad,
published last year by Sierra Books. Jerry Mander is a co-editor. It
includes a decent bibliography.

Also Mander co-edited a special issue of The Nation last summer on this.

Unfortunately, both the book and the magazine would be rather one-sided,
doesn't include or really acknowledge the points pushed by Doug and others.


At 02:48 PM 4/29/97 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  I have had some enquiries by a member of the general public about
>a number of issues relating to corporations, the environment and
>Specifically, he asked "if you knew of a single useful source of
>information on the negative effects of globalization (a scientific
>paper or even a thorough magazine article would be fine.)"  I
>promised to post his request on the list and ask for a suggested
>reading list that would be accessible to the intelligent lay person.
>Paul Phillips,
>University of Manitoba.
Thad Williamson
National Center for Economic and Security Alternatives (Washington)/
Union Theological Seminary (New York)

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