RELEASED TODAY:  The Employment Cost Index for March 1997 was 132.0, 
an increase of 2.9 percent from March 1996.  The ECI measures changes 
in compensation costs, which include wages, salaries, and employer 
costs for employee benefits.  On a seasonally adjusted basis, 
compensation costs for civilian workers increased 0.6 percent during 
the December 1996-March 1997 period.  Three-month increases in 
compensation costs have ranged from 0.6 to 0.9 percent for the last 
four years ....

Boosted by gains in farm income, five Plains states registered the 
largest increases in per capita personal income in 1996, reports the 
Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis.  These five states 
-- North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Minnesota -- saw 
large gains in farm income due mainly to high corn production. 
 Nationally, BEA says that per capita personal income grew by 4.5 
percent -- from $23,196 in 1995 to $24,231 in 1996.  This 4.5 percent 
gain was slightly more than twice the 2.2 percent rise in prices paid 
by consumers, as measured by the price index for personal consumption 
expenditures ....(Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

__Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) ruled out a proposal to 
reduce the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment as part of a 
balanced budget deal with the White House, charging that President 
Clinton had failed to provide sufficient public support for the 
controversial approach ....Despite Lott's comments and Democratic 
sniping, negotiators on both sides said a deal remains in reach.  Even 
without the legislative changes to the COLA originally advocated by 
Lott, the government would pick up additional revenue from a COLA 
reduction if, as expected, BLS economists proceed with their effort to 
correct their inflation formula on technical grounds.  Experts predict 
a technical correction by the BLS could result in a downward revision 
in COLAs of as much as four-tenths of a percentage point -- the same 
reduction Republicans were advocating through legislation 
....(Washington Post, page A4).
__Lott all but ruled out reducing cost-of-living adjustments for 
Social Security recipients to help balance the budget.  His remarks 
complicated prospects for a bipartisan deal to eliminate the federal 
deficit even as the two sides prepared for a big push to reach 
agreement this week.  Mr. Lott said President Clinton had waited too 
long to signal a willingness to take the political heat that changing 
the cost-of-living formula would generate ....(New York Times, page 
__Lott, frustrated that President Clinton won't publicly embrace a 
reduction of the government's inflation index, said the issue is dead 
for the current budget balancing talks ....It's unclear, however, 
whether Sen. Lott's declaration will turn out to be real, or simply 
the latest effort to pressure Mr. Clinton on the issue ...."I'll be 
candid, I think we've lost it," said Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan 
(D-NY) who has been an outspoken advocate of adopting the full 1.1 
percentage point correction in the CPI ....(Wall Street Journal, page 

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  State and Metropolitan Area Employment and 
Unemployment:  March 1997

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