The Communist Party of Brazil (CPdoB), led by Joao Amazonas,
celebrated its 75th anniversary on March 25, 1997. CPdoB is one
of the few parties in the world which, at the time of the rise of
revisionism in the Soviet Union, did not succumb to its
pressures, neither adopting Khruschevite revisionism nor allowing
itself to be split because of it. The CPdoB has endured and
survived the most difficult conditions of complete illegality and
brutal suppression, with many of its cadres having experienced
the harsh conditions of working in clandestinity. The 75th
anniversary marks a long history of unbroken leadership in the
struggle of the working class and people of Brazil for freedom,
national independence and socialism. 
     In October, the CPdoB will convene its 9th Congress. At its
8th Congress, held in 1992, the PCdoB decided that its existing
program of a two-stage revolution, democratic and then socialist,
needed to be replaced by a program recognizing only one stage of
revolution in Brazil: a socialist revolution within which the
democratic and anti-imperialist tasks would also be fulfilled. It
entered into a period of cross-country discussions on a Socialist
Program for Brazil, leading to its successful adoption at its 8th
National Conference in August of 1995.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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