Rosser Jr, John Barkley wrote:

> If _Monthly Review_ were 
> to have an article written about a conference of Austrian 
> economists, would you insist that they have Greg Ransom do 
> it, or alternatively somebody utterly bland with no known 
> views on Austrian economics or anything else?  I think not.

Poor analogy -- unless you view the Marxists attending the RM conference
as akin to marginalists.

If _Monthly Review_ had an article about a conference of Marxists meeting
in Germany, I would expect that they would not select an author who had
already displayed a bias in-print against that conference months before it
was held (indeed, before that person even had the full schedule).

If _Monthly Review_ reviewed one of your books, I would similarly insist
that they select a reviewer who hadn't trashed your book in public and in
writing months before even receiving a copy.

I guess I just have different [higher] standards than you.


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