>KARL: Your posting on Utopianism was interesting. However you seem to
>take it for granted that marxism itself is not another form of

Part of the problem is terminology. Paul Phillips uses the word
interchangeably with "unrealistic". You use it as a synonym for irrelevant.
I am much more prosaic. I use the word in the sense that Engels and Marx
used it. I guess I have spent too much time working with computers and have
a limited imagination.

And, by the way, I don't blame you for being disgusted with the Spoons
Marxism lists. They fill me with loathing as well. You'll find the most
beastly and unreasonable people one can imagine over there, especially me. 

I think you are in much more elevated company over here on PEN-L where
everybody is bound to be more receptive to the alacrity and panache of your
quotidian observations. I would teach those Spoons no-goodniks a lesson and
quit their lists once and for all. Don't waste any of your wisdom over
there. That would be like casting pearls before swine. Be a 100% PEN-L'er!!!


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