*** Please forward to other relevant lists. ***

The "Conference on the Need for a New Economics of Science" was held these
past few days. More information on the conference program and abstracts
can be found by visiting our Web site (see address in signature).

We would like to inform you that we are preparing a refereed collection of
essays, "The Need for a New Economics of Science", which is partly based
on conference activities but also includes other related materials. We
would like to invite you to submit a contribution to this volume, which is
open to both participants and non-participants. In addition, we welcome
suggestions you may have for other possible contributors or areas not
adequately covered during the conference. We would also appreciate
receiving any course syllabi you may have on economics of science.

We have an open offer to publish the volume with University of Notre Dame
Press and several other publishers have also expressed an interest in
publishing the collection.

The deadline for submitting papers to "The Need for a New Economics of
Science" is Friday, May 30, 1997. Please send us three copies of your


        Philip E. Mirowski
        Esther-Mirjam Sent 

Conference on the Need for a New Economics of Science

Philip E. Mirowski and Esther-Mirjam Sent
Department of Economics
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

phone:  (219)631-7580/6979
fax:    (219)631-8809

Web-site: http://www.nd.edu:80/~econsci

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