>At 6:45 AM -0800 2/17/97, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>Prior to agriculture, people hardly worked
>>at all, and didn't have a sense of "work" as separate from leisure (as far
>>as we know). The economy as a separate sphere of the world, in particular,
>>is an invention of capitalism.
>>And please don't make me out to be stupid (ignorant, okay, but not stupid):
>>I'm *not* suggesting we should kill 5 billion or so people, destroy all the
>>machinery, factories, and buildings, give up agriculture, and practice
>>hunting and gathering.
>I know you're neither stupid nor ignorant Blair, but just what *are* you
>suggesting here then?

Thanks, Doug. Likewise.  :)

As I recall, Tom had suggested that "the cash nexus is just a new-fangled
will-o'-the-wisp." Max responded that it has been around for some 2000
years ("since the death of christ"). After that, I lost the thread (and
trashed the specific file to which I was responding), so I can't trace the
immediate point. The general discussion about work and leisure (and Max
asks me about this, too -- a fair question, no doubt) will have to wait,
for me, 'til I get some work done.




Blair Sandler

"It is astonishing what foolish things one can temporarily believe if one
thinks too long alone, particularly in economics...."

        -- J. M. Keynes, the Preface to the GENERAL THEORY


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