>What are the classic/standard references on the question
>"What are workers' interests"? (That is, beyond work
>of Lukacs, Gramsci, Poulantzas) Is there any good recent
>discussion of this question?

Revolutionary workers are most interested in the abolition of wage labor
or, to put it as Marx did in the German Ideology, the self-abolition of the
proletariat; that answer you will get in Moishe Postone's Time, Labor and
Social Domination:a reinterpretation of Marx's critical theory.

The recent discussion is at the end of the list. But some of the older
stuff is really not to be missed.

Max Adler, 1933. "Metamorphasis of the Working Class?" In Austro Marxism, ed.
   Tom Bottomore (1978)
Paul Crosser, 1941. Ideologies and American Labor
Henryk Frankel, 1970. Capitalist Society and Modern Sociology
Paul Mattick, 1983. Marxism: last refuge of the bourgeoisie?
Roy Eyerman, 1981. False Consciousness and Ideology in Marxist Theory
Guglielmo Carchedi, 1987. Class Analysis and Social Research
Rosemary Crompton, 1993. Class and Stratification: An Introduction to
  Contemporary Debates
Stephen Perkins, 1993. Marxism and the Proletariat: A Lukascian Perspective
Stanley Aronowitz, 1995. The Jobless Future
John F. Sitton, 1996. Recent Marxian Theory: Class Formation and Conflict in
  Contemporary Capitalism.

Ethnic Studies

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