I just received this message about the NDP's position on the MAI. Penners 
can use it as grist for the mill in the debate between Paul Phillips and
Tom Walker.


Sid Shniad

>  Here is the position of the New Democratic Party of Canada
>  on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), one week
>  before our national election on June 2, 1997.
>   http://websmith.ca/fndp/election97/english/PressReleases/may27.html
>                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:
>                            Tuesday, May 27, 1997
>      TORONTO -- Canadians have a right to know what the Multilateral
>      Agreement on Investment (MAI) will mean for their future, NDP
>      Leader Alexa McDonough said today.
>      "The Liberals are negotiating the MAI behind closed doors,
>      cutting Canadians out of the loop," said Ms. McDonough. "The
>      agreement has huge implications for Canadians but the Liberals
>      have been working overtime to keep it out of the spotlight.
>      Canadians have a right to know about this deal."
>      Canadians negotiators are at the OECD Ministerial Council today
>      discussing the MAI, which would limit the power of a national
>      government to establish rules for corporations operating within
>      their boundaries. A leaked draft of the agreement shows that the
>      Liberals are discussing proposals that would extend well beyond
>      the provisions of the WTO (World Trade Organization) and NAFTA.
>      "The Liberals are asking Canadians for a blank cheque in this
>      election, but have done nothing to deserve it," she said. "We
>      need more NDP MPs in Ottawa who won't let the Liberals get away
>      with this kind of secrecy and hidden agendas."
>      The NDP Leader posed four questions to the Liberals on the MAI:
>         o Can we keep requiring that companies who get Canadian tax dollars
>           create and maintain jobs in Canada?
>         o Can we keep using our natural resources for the benefit of
>           Canadians? Or does this deal force us, for example, to give
>           fishing licenses to foreign companies?
>         o Do we have to swallow foreign takeovers of Canadian companies,
>           where there's no clear value to Canadians?
>         o Does this deal have clear standards to protect working people,
>           the environment, human rights and culture?
>    Authorized by the New Democratic Party of Canada Association, Official
>                           Agent for Canada's NDP.
>       ------------------------------------------------ end -----
>  Here is the address for the NDP:
>       http://websmith.ca/fndp/election97/english/introenglish.html
>       email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Here is the address for NDP Leader, Alexa McDonough:
>       http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/alexa.halifax/
>       email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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