There are several bourgeois parties which are participating in
the federal election. Their main aim is to come to power. They
have all sorts of self-serving people behind them who want these
parties to get elected. There are those who just want to get
elected and have a seat in the House of Commons come what may.
Some have set their sites on becoming ministers of specific
departments or secretaries or heads of various committees, while
others just want to get appointed to any available position. Then
of course there are the rich who want the new government to take
risks for them. All of these people, in one way or the other,
have a direct stake in the federal election.
     Within this situation where these self-serving bourgeois
parties engage in broad deception, it is crucial to raise the
level of discussion both at the top and, most importantly, at the
base. Bourgeois parties are opposed to having any discussion.
Their hired hands in the form of various marketing-related firms
engaged in the work to peddle these parties devise strategies,
some as simply as incessant repetition, to turn various
catch-phrases into household words. They want to create an
impression in the minds of the people that somehow the programs
of these parties are actually designed to assist them.
     Knowing that this is what the bourgeois parties are doing,
Communist candidates, either alone or in cooperation with other
candidates, should create an atmosphere of discussion on real
issues. They should seek the support primarily of the
non-monopoly institutions, community centers, educational
institutions and the press to initiate discussion. In other
words, they should do their level best so that the discussion
begins. They should also go where the bourgeois parties are
invited and do their utmost to raise the level of discussion.
     It is extremely crucial to appreciate as a guide that the
bourgeois parties are opposed to discussion at any level. They
have the "capital" and that is all that is needed. People do not
fit in the equation. Just as the working class is considered
merely incidental to profit-motivated production, so too is the
electorate considered merely incidental to the representatives of
the bourgeoisie getting elected. They are not interested in an
informed vote and raising the ideological and political level of
the people. How far our candidates are able to raise their level
and raise the level of discussion is the same extent to which the
bourgeois political parties will fail.
     By putting the program of Stop Paying the Rich in the
forefront and explaining to the electorate by taking up definite
examples, it is possible to begin the discussion, raise the
level, and foil the plans of the bourgeois parties.
     The most dangerous bourgeois party is the Liberal Party
which would even like to paint itself as "humane." The second
most dangerous is the Reform Party which pretends that it is for
reform, which is not the case. The third most dangerous political
party is the NDP which even claims that it is for the working
class. All these bourgeois parties should be targeted in order to
ensure that discussion begins and the level of discussion is
raised. This method is the way to combat the disrupting influence
of the bourgeois parties on the polity.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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