
If you can give me some idea about when you will be in the L.A. area, I
would like to try to get you on campus for a talk -- I can probably get a
few dollars as well, plus that old free lunch.  For your wife, too.  We
have a hotel & restaurant school here with a nice restaurant.  I have in
mind your speaking to perhaps a combined group of the faculty union and the
Economics Dept.  Let me know when you can.  Thanks.

Larry Shute

Thanks for your message at 01:28 PM 9/20/97 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your message was:
>My wife and I are going to be driving cross country starting this Monday.
>should hit the west coast in Seattle in about a week.  then we are going
>the coast to LA and then winding our way back.  I've got an 800 number 
>connection to the internet, so I can be reached by email.
>The AFL-CIO is in Pittsburgh this next week, and there is a teach-in
>I'm the chair of a panel on "what's new in the new labor movement?"  I've
>asked to ask the "hard" questions.  What would you ask or bring up for 
>discussion if you were me?
>Anyone out there in the west wants to buy me a drink, let me know!
>michael yates
Laurence Shute                  Voice: 909-869-38500
Department of Economics         FAX:   909-869-6987
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, CA  91768-4070   USA    e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      

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