>My wife and I are going to be driving cross country starting this Monday.  We
>should hit the west coast in Seattle in about a week.  then we are going down
>the coast to LA and then winding our way back.  I've got an 800 number
>connection to the internet, so I can be reached by email.
>The AFL-CIO is in Pittsburgh this next week, and there is a teach-in
>I'm the chair of a panel on "what's new in the new labor movement?"  I've been
>asked to ask the "hard" questions.  What would you ask or bring up for
>discussion if you were me?

Hard questions re: organizing...the labor movement has concentrated
resources on organizing, but seems to emphasize staff hires instead of time
off for members who can then be paid by the union to organize. Although the
election results seem to favor union members over hirelings, the movement
continues to prefer to professionalize organizing...Why?

re: international solidarity...Why are we in the labor movement the last to
eschew the cold war? Is there any real movement to change our approach to
international solidarity instead of pro-US government domination? Have any
of the CIA double dippers been discharged from AIFLD?

That ought to piss somebody off...

>Anyone out there in the west wants to buy me a drink, let me know!
>michael yates

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