"Abbie Hoffman had more influence than Diana. I defy anyone to specify   
concrete, noteworthy social changes resulting from her existence."  
In the spirit of hard-headed science, Max, how about quantifying the   
respective influences of Abbie and Diana? While we're at it, why not throw in   
some multiple regression analysis? 
Wouldn't it make more sense simply to say "I like Abbie Hoffman and his  
views/values better than those of Diana?  
"Nor do I  think you can say any change in the disposition of land-mines will   
have any effect on the conduct of war, repression, or counter-insurgency in   
the next century." 

I heard a local representative of an organization fighting to have an anti-land 
mine treaty put in place this morning on CBC radio.  Given your statement, I 
guess there's nothing his contention and that of other folks fighting against 
the use of anti-personnel mines in places like Angola and Cambodia that the 
deployment of these armaments changed drastically in the 1980s, that the 
new deployment was designed to inflict damage and terror on local 
populations instead of targeting armed combatants. Nothing to their thanks 
to Diana's efforts for helping to publicize this fact via things like 
documentaries filmed in Angola with the civilian victims of these mines.

Since you have declared that any change in the disposition of land mines 
won't have any effect on the conduct of war, etc. I guess that settles it. No 
point in trying to raise public awareness or to change public opinion on the 
subject. In any event, that wouldn't be _real_ social change, would it? 
Sid Shniad

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