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June 25 marks the 47th anniversary of the Korean War; at 05:00 on June
25, 1950, the U.S. imperialists along with the south Korean puppet
regime of Syngman Rhee invaded north Korea.

The U.S. imperialists and its allies committed untold crimes during
the Korean War from 1950-1953. The DPRK was literally razed to the
ground. A total of 428,748 bombs, one per person, were dropped by the
U.S. over Pyongyang alone. At the time the U.S. boasted that the DPRK
would not be able to rebuild "even after 100 years." But U.S.
imperialism suffered defeat at the hands of the Korean people who
fought as one in defence of socialism and their independence. The U.S.
was forced to withdraw and carry on its offensive through its puppet
regime in the south, an offensive which it continues to this day.

The U.S. has continued its occupation of south Korea and kept the
Korean people divided for 47 years. It constructed a wall which cuts
Korea in half. The wall, built in their sector just south of the
demilitarized zone (DMZ), stretches the entire breadth of Korea for
240 km, with only 10 km around Panmunjon left free of it. Every day,
the troops of U.S. imperialism stand guard at the wall to ensure the
Korean people remain divided, while all the time spreading vicious
propaganda that the DPRK is the "isolationist regime."

It is U.S. imperialism and its puppet governments in south Korea who
have literally split apart thousands of Korean families. They have
made it a crime for residents of the south to travel to the DPRK or
even write or telephone. None of this has been able to quell the
determination of the Korean people to reunite their homeland and rid
it of all foreign occupiers and their weapons of mass destruction. 47
years after the U.S. imperialists first invaded the DPRK, the Korean
people continue in thei struggle for true liberation, national
reunification and independence.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


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