>Shunning is better than cutting someone out of the list, but it takes a
>high degree of agreement and self-discipline among listers.
>I sometimes despair at the little room that is often allowed for (what I
>think are) ideas worth hearing, or if not worth hearing, at least better
>heard than held secretly. However, Karl's comments were sexist in a way
>that I don't think most of us would tolerate in a face-to-face
>conversation, or at any public event we had any responsibility for.
>I say thank you Michael P. for kicking him out. This is not censorship. It
>is our right to a democratic atmosphere for discussions, and that requires
>prompt action against the kind of blatant and aggressive sexism I read in
>Karl's first couple of messages (I am assuming the rest were more of the
>same, because I didn't read through them).
>Bill Burgess  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Most folks who've expressed opinions have supported Michael's decision to
kick Karl off the list. I think Bill above has articulated something like
my thoughts: PEN-L is a commons regime and it may sometimes require defense
against those who would despoil it.

Michael: I think you do a great job of keeping PEN-L healthy. In my opinion
it has just about the highest signal to noise ratio of any email list I'm
aware of, even though I have disagreements about all sorts of things with
many people on the list and can't always read everything I want for lack of
time. Thanks!


Blair Sandler

        "They say that it's never too late,
        but you know you don't get any younger.
        Well I better learn how to
        starve the emptiness and feed the hunger.

                        -- Indigo Girls


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