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The people of the DPRK have faced the adversity caused by two years of
devastating floods with unity and determination to overcome the
difficulties and are developing important initiatives in this regard.
The whole country has been mobilized for this aim.

In this regard, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reports that
three units of the Korean People s Army (KPA) have been making
important innovations in farming techniques in this difficult period.
In true revolutionary spirit, the agency reports, the soldiers are
combatting shortages of fuel with various substitutes and operating
tractors at full capacity for plow weeding on maize fields. Currently,
they are overfulfilling the daily weeding plan by some 110-120

The KPA soldiers began helping farmers in the early spring. With their
help, the KCNA reports, transplanting of seedlings was finished in
time and the weeding is gaining momentum at an unprecedented pace.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


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