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Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- The south Korean war maniacs, far from
drawing a serious lesson from the severe blow they sustained after
their armed provocation against the north along the Military
Demarcation Line, are making provocative remarks getting on the nerves
of the north and aggravating the tensions. Commenting on this fact, a
news analyst of Rodong Sinmun today says: When he met Powell, Former
Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the United States on July 19,
Kim Young Sam prattled about completion of war preparations in the
north and begged for the maintenance of full defence preparedness
between south Korea and the U.S. troops. The south Korean puppets
vociferated about possible terrorist act by the north and held a war
confab on anti-submarine operations. The puppets are staging war
exercises in the area of Seoul under the signboard of defence training
in the wake of a comprehensive tactical training of commandoes in
areas of Mt. Thaebaek. These ill-boding military rackets prove that
the threat of aggression on the Korean Peninsula comes from the south
to the north. They also show to what extent the south Korean war
maniacs have gone in their war preparations. Defence and security on
the lips of the south Korean puppets are precisely slogans for
provoking war against the north. Provokers are bound to meet with a
severe retaliation. There is no mercy in war.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


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