> URBANA-- Friday, 8 August 1997
> On Thursday, 7 August 1997, a delegation of Graduate Employees'
> Organization (GEO) unionists, from the University of Illinois at
> Urbana-Champaign, traveled to Chicago to participate in a major "Justice
> For Janitors" union rally, sponsored by the AFL-CIO.  Nearly 800
> unionists gathered at Federal Plaza in Chicago's Loop to demonstrate
> their solidarity with the campaign to gain recognition for janitorial
> employees that have been attempting to organize against great corporate
> opposition.

Sounds good, but forget thee not that GEs, janitors and UPSers are all 
service workers.  Until what remains of industry on these shores
decisively joins in, risking summary relocation to Laos or Mozambique,
and until the slacker paralysis of the general student body is penetrated,
it's just a munchkin picnic (Ask the cops).
                                                        Occupied America

         "The most potent weapon of the oppressor
          is the mind of the oppressed."
                                           -- Steve Biko

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