> From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization:  The Other Media
>                =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>                          S O S
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
>            K O L A R    G O L D    F I E L D S
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Dear friends,
> July 28, 1997
> We  are writing this note to  request you to kindly pass on
> the  following  queries  to appropriate  persons  or organ-
> isations  to  help  us  with  required  information  on CIP
> technology   in  gold  mining.    We  need  information  on
> Production  Process,  patterns of  employment and issues of
> environment and safety.
> Details are found in the following note on KGF.
> Looking forward to your prompt response and action.
> With very warm regards,
> Yours sincerely,
> E. Deenadayalan
> ************************************************************
> The  Kolar Gold Fields(KGF)  is a premier  gold mining area
> in India, located in Karnataka, and operated by the Bharath
> Gold  Mines  Limited (BGML),   a Central  Government Public
> Sector  Undertaking.  The mines have  a recorded history of
> nearly  2000 years of operation.  Owing to a faulty process
> of  extraction,  defective and outdated technology and deep
> mining  there has been an escalation in the production cost
> of  gold over time,  rendering it uneconomic.  Moreover the
> production  during  the first  decade  of this  century was
> around 45 g/t while at present it is only 2.2 g/t. Thus the
> Union  Government has decided to either close it or operate
> it  with a reduced work force  by launching a joint venture
> company  and using  CIP technology  for gold  recovery from
> the  tailings.  It is  to be noted  here that BGML,  during
> their  initial phases of  operation,  employed about 32,000
> workers  whereas at present the  workforce has been reduced
> to  about 6000  only.  The  closure or  the retrenchment of
> workers will eventually create a catastrophic impact on the
> inhabitants of Kolar Gold Fields.
> The  Citizens  of  KGF  have sought  help  from  outside to
> collaborate with them in their campaign against the closure
> of the mines.
> We,  at our end,  on behalf of The Other Media,  are trying
> to  develop scientific  and effective  arguments to counter
> the closure of mines.
> In  this regard it may be  noted that there are vast mounds
> of  tailings which can be  exploited either to extract gold
> or  for some other purposes.  Studies have shown that there
> is  about 33 million  tonnes of dumps  accumulated over the
> years  which may be  a source of 24  tonnes of gold through
> the CIP technology.
> Thus  we  would be  highly grateful  to  you if  you kindly
> furnish  us with the following  information at the earliest
> :-
> ----------------
> ----------------
> -  A detailed description of the gold production process to
>    recover it from the tailings
> -  A brief  outline of the  CIP technology  involved in the
>    recovery of gold
> -  How much capital  is to be  involved in its installation
>    and  how  much  is  the  operation  and  maintenance
>    cost?
> -  To  what extent  is this  CIP  technology viable  in the
>    Indian context and to what concentration should the gold
>    be  present   in  order  to  recover   it  from  the
>    tailings?
> -  What is  the rate of  return of gold  from the tailings?
> ----------------
> ----------------
> -   How   mechanized  or   labour-intensive  is   this  CIP
>     technology?
> -   What  is  the  work-force  required  to  operate  this?
> -   What type of skills are  expected from the labourers for
>     this technology?
> -   What   would  be   the  average   capital/job  created?
> ---------------------------
> ---------------------------
> -  The  CIP  technology  basically  involves  working  with
>    tailings with a high cementation of cyanide.  Thus what
>    are the  hazardous  processes  and substances  involved
>    in CIP technology?
> -  What  are  the  occupational  hazards  involved  in  the
>    process?
> -  What  are  the  precautions and  safety  measures  to be
>    adopted by the management?
> -  What is done  with the concentrated  cyanide?  Can it be
>    put to any economic use?
> -  Are  there any  environmental  hazards involved  in this
>    process?   If yes,  what are those  and how are those to
>    be controlled or prevented?
> ...........................................................
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< End of Message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>              +--------------------------------------+
>              |    T H E   O T H E R    M E D I A    |
>              |--------------------------------------|
>              |    K-14(F.F), Green Park Extn.       |
>              |    New Delhi-110016                  |
>              |    India.                            |
>              |    Ph : 91-11-6863830/6856640        |
>              |    Fx : 91-11-6858042                |
>              |    Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
>              +--------------------------------------+

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