You are probably thinking about Geronimo Pratt, a leader of the Black 
Panther Party, who had been falsely imprisoned for over 25 years. He was 
released last week but may  still face a new trial.

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I was also wondering about this report. I thought (emphasize "thought") I
> had heard on KPFA just the other day a news report that Mumia has been
> released while he awaits a hearing of some sort. I didn't say anything 'til
> now because I was only half paying attention -- trying to drive in San
> Francisco has become much more difficult, not to mention harrowing, since
> legislation was passed making it illegal to stop at stop signs or for red
> lights, or to use one's turn signals (the cops always set a good example
> regarding these new laws) -- and didn't want to be passing on false rumors.
> Has anyone else got any reliable info on this matter?
> Blair
> ________________________
> Blair Sandler

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