On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, Doug Henwood wrote:

> Continuing a discussion from several months ago, the opening of a BLS news
> release published today. The full text is on the BLS web site at
> http://stats.bls.gov/news.release/conemp.toc.htm.
> I welcome discussion as to what it all means.
> Doug

Doug, several months ago I noticed the first business articles suggesting
some disenchantment with the contingent workforce. To now, most articles
in the business press has suggested that all aspects of the contingent
workforce are wholly positive. The critical pieces focused on two
problems: the problem of dishonesty and outright theft by contingent
workers because they have no commitment to the job and the inability of
contingent workers to do as good a job as regular employees and as
draining work resources because they need guidance as to how to perform
their jobs.

Ellen J. Dannin
California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA  92101
Phone:  619-525-1449
Fax:    619-696-9999

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