>   December 21, 1997  The Toronto Star
>                    IMF warns money crisis will spread
>                    Forecast shows global economic slowdown in
>                    1998
>                    WASHINGTON (CP) - The financial firestorm
>                    raging through Asia will leave no country
>                    untouched in 1998. Around the world,
>                    economic growth will slow and unemployment
>                    will rise, especially in nations at the
>                    centre of the crisis.
>                    That's the view of the International
>                    Monetary Fund, which is releasing its most
>                    extensive assessment so far of the
>                    currency crisis that has forced the
>                    lending agency to assemble
>                    multibillion-dollar bailout packages for
>                    Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea.
>                    Because of the rapidly deteriorating
>                    situation, the IMF yesterday updated its
>                    World Economic Outlook, originally
>                    released in October, with new economic
>                    projections for 1998.
>                    The IMF now projects the global economy in
>                    1998 will grow at its slowest pace in five
>                    years, an increase of just 3.5 per cent.
>                    The forecast represents a 0.8
>                    percentage-point reduction from two months
>                    ago, when the IMF had projected worldwide
>                    economic growth at 4.3 per cent.
>                    The IMF said there is no reason to be
>                    overly pessimistic and that ``the threat
>                    to global growth from the present crisis
>                    is reasonably limited.''
>                    Still, it warned the risk of the Asian
>                    trouble spreading to other countries had
>                    grown and that there was no way of knowing
>                    whether the world had yet seen the worst.
>                    ``The balance of risks is a little on the
>                    downside,'' IMF chief economist Michael
>                    Mussa said at a news conference to present
>                    the report.
>                    While noting that growth in North America
>                    and Europe looked ``well sustained in the
>                    period ahead,'' the IMF warned: ``A sharp
>                    slowdown in economic growth is an
>                    unavoidable consequence of the type of
>                    crisis affecting a number of the Asian
>                    economies.''
>                    Admitting that it originally had misjudged
>                    the extent of the turmoil, the IMF
>                    appealed to troubled Asian nations to take
>                    urgent measures to reform their fiscal
>                    systems, keep monetary policy tight and
>                    overhaul weak financial sectors.
>                    The lending agency warned that a further
>                    slowdown in the already sluggish Japanese
>                    economy posed the ``key risk'' to advanced
>                    economies elsewhere in the world.
>                    In the gloomiest section of its report,
>                    the IMF predicted the Japanese economy
>                    would grow by only 1.1 per cent in 1998
>                    compared with 1.0 per cent this year and
>                    only half what had been forecast in
>                    October.
>                    Europe, less dependent on Asian export
>                    markets, will see growth reduced just 0.1
>                    percentage point from October's estimate
>                    to 2.7 per cent.
>                    Economic growth for Canada now is forecast
>                    at 3.2 per cent compared with an estimated
>                    3.7 per cent this year and off 0.3 of a
>                    percentage point from the October
>                    estimate.
>                    For the United States, the IMF forecast
>                    economic growth of 2.4 per cent next year,
>                    down from an expected 3.8 per cent.

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