On Sat, 1 Nov 1997, Gerald Levy wrote:

Yes, but Jerry you have to explain why you recommend that Doug

a) choose a liberal school that charges outrageous tution rates that most
working class students cannot afford instead of the Marxist School, which
is much cheaper and run by a group of admisitrators who have a much
greater commitment to Marxism.  

b) retain a liberal faith in education through taking classes in lieu of
praxis in political activity (i.e. organizing workers..), which would
reflect a Marxist commitment. 

c) engage in such activities in order to 'learn' something about

I agree with Gil, who writes," Doug's book is certainly "about political
and writes,

> > As you know I have my doubts about the
> > relevance of value theory, but my assessment of capitalism wouldn't change
> > one way or another if somehow these doubts were vanquished.

So, it's ok for Gil, but God forbid should Doug do this.

Can't but help wonder how much your bitterness directed at Doug is
personal, not political...Then again, considering how much energy you have
used to defend the likes of a Malecki, well...


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