The recent International Brotherhood of Teamsters' (IBT) victory over
United Parcel Service is part of a historic struggle to transform the
American trade unions into instruments of class struggle. Back in 1934,
socialists organized a powerful teamsters strike in the mid-west city of
Minneapolis, a transpiration hub. Its overwhelming success was the first
step in turning the Teamsters into a fighting, class-conscious union. When
Jimmy Hoffa took over the Teamsters in the 1940s, he purged the union of
the Minneapolis radicals while making alliances with organized crime. The
retreat of the Teamsters was part of a general reactionary drift in the
American labor movement that persisted until the 1960s.

Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU), born in the mid 1970's, attempted
to rid the union of Hoffa's bureaucrats and criminals. Without the TDU,
Ron Carey could have never captured the Teamsters presidency in 1991. The
socialists and progressives who started TDU played a significant role in
returning the Teamsters to its militant roots and deserve enormous credit
for the victory against UPS. Arrayed against the reform movement today is
a powerful combination of the trucking industry, bureaucrats led by Jimmy
Hoffa Jr., organized crime, and the American government. Washington has
ordered  new Teamsters elections that will pit Jimmy Hoffa Jr. against Ron
Carey. When Hoffa Jr. says that he is trying to return the Teamsters to
the traditions of his father, nobody should misunderstand his goal. He
wants to turn the clock back to a period of bureaucracy, goon squads and

In 1933, Farrell Dobbs had a job shoveling coal in Minneapolis where he
met Grant Dunne, a truck driver, who was unloading a shipment of coal.
Dunne invited him to an organizing meeting of Teamster Local 574. The
union sought to organize coal-yard workers. Grant Dunne was the brother of
Vincent Ray and Miles Dunne. The Communist Party had expelled the three
Dunnes for backing Trotsky. Unlike many of the other early adherents to
the Trotskyist movement, the brothers were not members of the
intelligentsia. They were workers who had taken part in the International
Workers Movement's struggles in the early part of the century. They hoped
to build powerful industrial unions in the 1930s during the depths of the
Great Depression. Such unions could play a role not only in defending the
standard of living of working people, but serve as a battering ram against
the capitalist system as well.

Dobbs was happy join an organizing drive for personal reasons at least.
His pay was $18 for a sixty hour week and had recently learned that his
boss would cut his wages to $16 for a forty hour week. While Dobbs was no
socialist, he knew firsthand what injustice meant. So in the dead of
winter, Local 274 struck just as a severe cold wave hit the city. The
coal-yard bosses conceded as quickly as they did in the recent UPS strike
and the union movement gained a feeling of power and self-confidence. The
political and organizing skills of the Dunne brothers impressed Dobbs to
such an extent that he decided to join the Trotskyist movement.

The next step in the Teamsters organizing drive in Minneapolis was to
bring truck drivers into the union. On May 13, 1934, Local 274 voted to
strike the trucking industry in Minneapolis. The union rented a large
building where it set up offices, a garage, a field hospital and a
commissary. Union carpenters and plumbers helped to set up the building
and the Cook and Waiters Union organized 100 volunteers who served 4,000
to 5,000 strikers and family members each day. The union organized the
strike like a military operation. Sentries stood guard on fifty roads
leading into the city with orders to block all scab traffic. Teenagers on
motorcycles acted as couriers, bringing news from the field to strike
headquarters. Ray Dunne and Farrell Dobbs were the main coordinators of
strike. In less than a year, Dobbs had evolved from an ordinary worker to
a strike leader. This happened countless times in the 1930s when a
powerful mass movement helped ordinary people discover latent talents.

On July 20, 1934 the cops opened fire on ten unarmed pickets. When other
strikers came to their aid, the police shot at them as well. They wounded
sixty-seven people, including many whom the cops shot in the back while
trying to escape. Two eventually died. Instead of intimidating the
workers, the opposite happened. The strike deepened and mass support grew.
Four hundred thousand workers attended a mass rally, one of the largest in
Minneapolis history. The bosses finally relented in August and recognized
union representation for the truck-drivers.

The victory in Minneapolis encouraged the Teamsters to organize
over-the-road truckers next. In "Teamster's Power," Dobbs described their
working conditions:

"The workers aimed at in this drive toiled under inhuman conditions. Hours
of labor varied widely. Trips of from 80 to 120 continuous hours--with
catnaps snatched here and there--were quite common. Even longer stretches
of continuous driving were obtained through the use of sleeper-cabs.

"Usually the 'sleeping' device consisted of a flat slab behind the
drivers' seat with a thin, hard, often lumpy mattress. Two drivers were
assigned to these operations, alternating between a turn at the wheel and
'resting' on the slab. Genuine relief from exhaustion was impossible under
these rude, unsanitary conditions in a moving truck. Yet the bosses often
sought to deduct bunk time from the drivers pay, claiming that they were
'not working.'"

Dobbs put an organizing committee together that included James R. Hoffa, a
young trade union militant from Detroit Teamsters Local 299. Hoffa had led
a successful work-stoppage involving trucks loaded with highly perishable
strawberries. From that moment on, other unionists paid respect to Hoffa
as the leader of the "Strawberry Boys." Hoffa, like Dobbs, knew what it
meant to be poor. His father was coal miner who died when Hoffa was seven
years old. He quit school at the age of fourteen and went to work as a
stock boy for $12 per hour. By the time Dobbs had initiated his organizing
drive, Hoffa had a reputation for physical courage. In fights with scabs
or the cops, he never retreated. In "The Trials of Jimmy Hoffa, he said,
"My scalp was laid open sufficiently wide to require stitches no less than
six times during the first year I was a business agent of Local 299."

The big difference between Hoffa and Dobbs was political. Hoffa's vision
of the labor movement was as a means to advance the interests of working
people, and his own career. Over the years the latter goal became much
more important than the first. Dobbs, on the other hand, thought that the
only way working people could end exploitation was through socialist
revolution. The union movement was simply a means toward this end.

When Dobbs met with Teamsters president Dan Tobin in 1939, he received an
invitation to become a careerist. Dobbs listened politely, but spurned
Tobin's offer. He explains why in "Teamsters Power":

"As the discussion [with Tobin] in its entirety revealed, the IBT head did
not contemplate indefinite retention on his staff of an organizer who was
a revolutionary-socialist. He obviously relied on the corrupting effects
that he assumed high wages and soft living would have upon me. With the
passage of time, he expected that I would become just another business
unionist. For a period he would have tolerated my continued radicalism,
because my special knowledge about the union's newly developed activities
in the long distance trucking industry; but only as a part of a
transitional process. In the end, either I would have allowed my
principles to become compromised, or moves would have been undertaken to
oust me from the staff. With the country about to enter World War II,
there could be no question that these were the alternatives."

Dobbs' socialism and trade union militancy made him the enemy of the
trucking company bosses as well as the Teamsters bureaucracy. Furthermore,
his revolutionary opposition to World War Two caused the Roosevelt
administration to view him and his co-thinkers as an obstacle to American
war aims. Although Hoffa respected the dedication and skills of Farrell
Dobbs, he joined up with his enemies with no hesitation. When Tobin
decided to purge the Trotskyists from the Minneapolis trade union
movement, he enlisted the support of the brawling Hoffa. Hoffa recruited a
goon squad from Local 299 and travelled to Minneapolis to do battle.

The Trotskyists and Hoffa's goons had a number of violent clashes, but
government repression was what finally drove the Trotskyists from the
Teamsters union. The Justice Department brought sedition charges against
Dobbs and twenty-seven other members of the Socialist Workers Party and
union militants under the provisions of the Smith Act, which made it a
crime to advocate revolution. This was the best way to silence
revolutionary opposition to World War Two. A jury found eighteen guilty
and the judge sentenced Dobbs to twelve to eighteen months in jail. Tobin
immediately put Hoffa in charge of the Central State Drivers in the office
vacated by Dobbs. Hoffa threw himself into the organizing drive with his
customary single-minded drive and energy. He wanted to organize as many
drivers as he could. Each additional union member represented additional
revenue that could yield higher salaries for Hoffa. Hoffa may have been
for the improvement of working people, but he was also very much for the
improvement of Jimmy Hoffa as well.

Another major difference between Hoffa and Dobbs was over what was the
best source of power that could challenge the employers, cops and scabs
during an organizing drive or strike. Dobbs the socialist believed in mass
mobilizations of working people, while Hoffa believed in sheer muscle. He
built a staff of violent bullies who were blindly loyal to him. These men
had the mentality of prize-fighters rather than revolutionaries. Dobbs and
other socialists believed in self-defense, up to the point of armed
struggle but this power must rest on the organized mass movement rather
than goon squads.

Some of the muscle men Hoffa hired as union organizers had ties to
organized crime. He drew upon them during a jurisdiction battle with rival
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) organizers in 1941. David
Johnson, one of Hoffa's top aides, says that "The CIO had tougher guys
than us expected. So Jimmy went to see Santo Perrone." (Dan Moldea reports
this connection in the "The Hoffa Wars," a valuable account of Hoffa's use
of organized crime figures.) Perrone was a anti-union thug in the 1930s
who had spent two years in prison for liquor violations. Like many other
gangsters, Perrone could make a switch to the union side if the money was
right. Hoffa made his connections to the mob through a former lover,
Sylvia Pagano, who had a clerical job with a labor union. After splitting
up with Hoffa, she married Sam Scaradino who had ties to Perrone and other
gangsters. She was the go-between who initially introduced Hoffa to the

The Teamsters union's ties to organized crime deepened throughout the
1940s and 50s. This alliance took various forms. The gangsters went to
work as organizers or business agents. In this capacity they intimated or
punished dissidents working for trade union democracy. More importantly,
the Teamsters began loaning money from their vast pension funds to
businesses owned by the Mafia, particularly to hotels in Las Vegas. The
Dorfman family owned the insurance company that handled Teamster
investments and had had extensive ties to the mob. Paul Dorfman introduced
Hoffa to his associates, Paul DeLucia and Joseph Glimco, who in turn had
connections to Sam Giancana, a major Mafia boss.

Also, the union failed to provide a pension when a worker moved from one
local to another. The funds were not transferable. Many old and sick
workers lived in poverty while union bureaucrats socialized at expensive
restaurants and country clubs on money siphoned from pension funds.

The Dorfmans not only stole money from pension funds, they loaned it
interest-free to mobsters like Moe Dalitz, who owned the La Costa Country
Club. Dalitz met Hoffa through Sylvia Pagano and they became close friends
and allies. Dalitz was the head of the "Purple Gang," a group of Jewish
bootleggers who were an important part of the Cleveland crime syndicate.
Dalitz had close ties with Charles "Lucky" Luciano and Meyer Lansky, the
two most powerful criminals in American history. 

(Years later, Hoffa and these mobsters organized a plot to assassinate
Fidel Castro, according to reporter Dan Moldea. Lansky had extensive
holdings in Havana, Cuba. Castro had announced plans to throw the Mafia
off the island, including Lansky's gang. Lansky and Hoffa hired assassins
to kill Castro before the Bay of Pigs invasion. Their payment was mob
money laundered through the Teamsters union. Moldea also believes that
Hoffa was behind the Kennedy assassination as well. In a final twist, Jack
Ruby, who had ties to both the Teamsters union and organized crime,
murdered Oswald. Much of this is impossible to prove, just as it is
impossible to establish who murdered Hoffa himself. Moldea concludes that
the CIA was behind the murder of Hoffa since he knew too much about the
Castro and Kennedy assassination plots.)

Throughout the 1940s and 50s, there was simmering discontent with the
corruption and autocracy of the Teamster officialdom. Every so often a
local union would become the battleground between reformers and the goons
loyal to Hoffa. The goons usually came out on top. What made these
victories possible was not just sheer muscle. These were prosperous years
in the United States and a powerful Teamsters union could win strikes
without too much trouble. Steady wage increases and goon squad
intimidation made for a generally complacent membership.

The status quo began to unravel as the American economy itself began to
unravel in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The rank and file Teamster
rebellions that began in this period eventually led to the election of Ron
Carey. It took the trade union movement nearly thirty years to get rid of
Hoffa's gangsters and bureaucrats. The story of this revolt is available
in Dan La Botz's essential "Rank and File Rebellion." La Botz himself was
one of the founders of the Teamsters for a Democratic Union and tells a
gripping story.

The first significant rebellion took place among steel-hauling
owner-operators in 1967. The teamster bureaucracy viewed these truck
drivers who owned their own rig with utter disdain. They responded by
forming their own group, the Fraternal Order of Steel Haulers (FASH).
Their goal was to split from the IBT since they had special needs that the
union was not addressing. The biggest problem they faced is that the
companies refused to pay them as they waited for products to be ready for
shipment.  This layover time ate into the workers' income. In addition,
the rising cost of gasoline became an onerous expense. Many of these
workers, while nominally self-employed, found themselves becoming

The steel-haulers went on strike on August 21, 1967, and the Teamster
bureaucrats ordered them to go back to work immediately. The strike became
increasingly violent as individual truckers began throwing bricks or
shooting rifles at scab trucks. The strike ended after eight weeks on
terms favorable to the dissidents. They struck again in 1969 and the
Teamster bureaucracy attacked it with all its power. An Ohio teamster
official organized an army of 120 thugs to attack the FASH strikers. Both
sides had guns and the fighting left eight men wounded and one dead. From
this point on, steel-haulers would look sympathetically upon any attempt
to rid the Teamsters of bureaucracy.

The next big rebellion took place a year later in 1970. This time it
involved various Teamsters locals that rejected a contract settlement
agreed to by their president Frank Fitzsimmons and the trucking industry.
They expected a $3.00 per hour raise but the contract settled for only
$1.10. The rank and file went out on a wildcat strike that Fitzsimmons and
the mainstream press denounced. Fitzsimmons probably had with student
revolt on his mind, since he claimed that "Communists" were behind the
teamster wild-cat strike. Nobody took this sort of red-baiting to heart
anymore. The burly truck-drivers involved in the strike were the
unlikeliest "Communists" one could imagine. The trucking industry
prevailed upon President Richard Nixon to intercede in the strike at the
beginning of May, but the student rebellion against the invasion of
Cambodia intervened. The antiwar movement and the war itself had stretched
the US military thin. National guardsmen who had been protecting scab
truck-drivers occupied the Kent State campuses where they shot five
students protesting the war. In clear defiance of the stereotype of
American workers, wildcat strikers in Los Angeles regarded student antiwar
protesters as allies and invited them to join teamster picket lines. The
wildcat strikes eventually wound down, but angry rank and file teamsters
started the first national reform organization called Teamsters United
Rank and File (TURF).

In 1971, the lawyer Arthur Fox started a new reform group called
Professional Drivers Council (PROD) Since Fox worked for Ralph Nader, the
group focused on health and safety issues. Since the Teamsters were so
bureaucratic, the group inevitably became an outlet for rebellious rank
and file workers who wanted a clean sweep of the union. By 1976, PROD had
become convinced that the only way that the union could address health and
safety issues was by throwing out the unresponsive union leadership. La
Botz reports that the PROD leadership came to the 1976 Teamsters
convention with a 177 page book detailing Teamster ties to the mob and
financial abuses.

The final building block in the reform movement that became Teamsters for
a Democratic Union was the Teamsters for a Democratic Contract (TDC).
Activists such as Mike Friedman started TDC. La Botz reports that Friedman
had been a cabdriver and truck driver for fourteen years and a member of
Teamsters local 407 in Cleveland. Friedman was also a member of
International Socialists (IS), a small socialist group that emerged from a
split in the Trotskyist movement just prior to World War II.

The Trotskyists disagreed over the character of the USSR. Max Schachtman
no longer considered it to be socialist. Dobbs, the Dunne brothers and
party leader James P. Cannon thought it was a "degenerated workers state,"
in line with Trotsky's definition in "The Revolution Betrayed." Schachtman
drifted the right over the years while the left-wing of his movement
started International Socialists. The primary ideological influence on IS
is Hal Draper, who wrote a four-volume study of Karl Marx and who
advocated "socialism from below."

It was a sign of the maturity of the American left that Friedman and his
comrades did not make the correct theory of the Russian workers state
pivotal to their work in the Teamster reform movement. Instead Friedman
concentrated on fighting the labor bureaucracy. He came to the founding
meeting of TURF in Cleveland and pitched in with organizing efforts.
Friedman was a Vietnam antiwar movement activist and brought skills
learned from that movement into the trade unions. According to La Botz:

"It was while working for Boss-Linco that Friedman became active in the
Cleveland chapter of TDU. Mike Friedman and a few other socialists
involved brought a wealth of experience in other social movements to
enrich the struggle for reform in the Teamsters. They were also well
educated and had technical skills such as the ability to put out leaflets
and newspapers, and they were experienced organizers who had put together
meetings and conferences. But perhaps most important, they brought their
idealism and dedication to building a grass-roots movement."

Eventually Teamsters for a Democratic Union became powerful enough to
unseat the bureaucracy. The TDU candidate was Ron Carey, who came from the
UPS Teamster local in New York City, a long-time reform stronghold. Ronald
Robert Carey was born in New York City, son of a driver for United Parcel
Service and a strong union man.

After leaving the Marines in 1955, Carey took a job at UPS, delivering
packages in New York City. In 1958 he became a shop steward for Teamsters
local 804 which, having over 6,000 members, was one of the largest UPS
locals in the country. Like many others, Carey became dissatisfied with
the bureaucracy and ran in elections for local trustee in 1962 and for
recording secretary in 1965. Eventually the union elected him president of
the local. When Carey decided to run for the office of local president,
his boss told him that unless he withdrew his wife would be told that he
was having an affair. Informants friendly to Carey warned him that such a
threat was in the works and he secretly tape-recorded the conversation
which he played at a union meeting. He swore to the members that he would
never give in to such intimidation. He won landslide elections to eight
three-year terms.

Carey fought management to improve members' wages and working conditions.
He led a strike that allowed drivers to retire after 25 years instead of
30 years and negotiated contracts that doubled the salaries of UPS
drivers. After Carey became president of the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters in 1991, he cut his own salary from $225,000 to $175,000, and
sold off limousines, jets and a Caribbean condominium owned by the union. 

The Teamsters were successful in the strike against UPS because the
company underestimated the determination of the union and its leadership,
and support it would generate among working people. Also, it could no
longer rely on a vast reservoir of the unemployed to supply what the
bourgeois press euphemistically calls "replacement workers." An improved
economy had generated job growth across the United States, especially in
those areas where UPS workers worked. This has an analogy with the Great
Depression when the big CIO organizing drives only began to take place
after the economy had picked up a bit in 1933. When the unemployment rate
stood at 25 percent, workers were simply too afraid to strike. Too many
unemployed workers could replace them.

New York Times reporter Stephen Greenhouse reported that four months
before their contract expired, UPS workers were holding rallies in 30
cities around the country that morning to prepare the ranks for a strike.
The media paid little attention to these preparations. However, they
turned out to be part of an unusual mobilization effort that was
instrumental in the Teamsters' winning most of what they sought in their
15-day strike against UPS. According to Greenhouse:

"The Teamsters' yearlong mobilization included scores of rallies at UPS
sites as well as other major efforts, like sending questionnaires to
185,000 Teamsters asking what they wanted from the UPS negotiations and
collecting 100,000 signatures backing the union's demands. But the union
did not neglect minor details: at one point, it distributed 50,000
whistles for use at the rallies.

"By the time the July 31 strike deadline approached, the Teamsters had
turned their UPS membership into a well-oiled juggernaut that the
company's leaders underestimated. In dozens of interviews with UPS, union
and federal officials, the union's mobilization and the company's
misreading of it emerge as the keys to the Teamsters' victory."

Closely related to this miscalculation was the employer's belief that the
American people would be hostile to the strike. What they did not count on
is the hostility that fifteen years of "downsizing" has generated. When
Ron Carey spoke to television reporters about "corporate greed," there is
little doubt that millions of Americans agreed with this characterization.

In an article that analyzed the growth of working class solidarity, Times
reporter Greenhouse discussed the attitudes of part-time UPS worker Gloria

"'This sent a message to other companies that you can't keep pushing
people so hard, and expect to get away with paying them part-time,' said
Ms. Harris, a single mother who lives in a two-bedroom apartment in the
rough-at-the-edges Chicago neighborhood of Englewood.

"Except for those who crossed the picket lines, Ms. Harris said, the
strike brought people together in a way that company picnics and bowling
leagues never could.

'We now feel more like brothers and sisters than co-workers,' she said,
noting the diversity of the strikers, who, until the walkout, had often
kept to their own racial or ethnic group. 'We all learned something about
color. It comes down to green.'"

The most astute analysis of the class relationships that determined the
outcome of the strike came from Stephen Roach, the chief economist and
director of global economics for Wall Street investment bank Morgan
Stanley. He took note of the leverage of organized labor in an improving
economy and observed that, "One strike hardly makes a trend. But there can
be no mistaking the message from the nation's most significant work
stoppage since 1983. Today, with the unemployment rate at a 24-year low,
labor unions were emboldened to take action."

Since American corporations are highly profitable, as reflected by the
bull stock market, Roach raises the question of why the workers should not
receive a well-deserved raise. The notion of a raise is popular among some
politicians and labor leaders. John Sweeney, the new president of the
AFL-CIO, has written a book titled "Why America Needs a Raise." The answer
Roach gives is not one that encourages a collaborationist relationship
between unions and the capitalist class. He states that corporate profits
are not the result of increased productivity, but the result of slashing
the work-force. Roach says:

"Indeed, in the Commerce Department's just-completed comprehensive
revision of the national economic accounts, the poor productivity
performance of the 1990's was left essentially unaltered. It found that
the United States experienced average annual gains of slightly less than 1
percent over the past six years, little different from the disappointing
performance of the 1980's and less than half the gains of the 1950's and

The explosion in the rate of profit makes sense in only one way: there has
been a change in the way the pie is sliced, but the pie is not growing.
The employer's slice is growing at the expense of the worker's. The facts
speak for themselves. Roach admits that "Corporate profits surged to 9.6
percent of gross domestic product in 1996, the highest share in 28 years,
and labor compensation stood at 58 percent of gross domestic product in
1996, well below the high of 59 percent hit in the late 1980's."

That is why strikes for higher pay will challenge corporate profitability.
If productivity is not increasing, the slice of the pie to labor will
become larger only at the expense of capital. This is a formula for class
struggle and it has the bourgeoisie worried. In a notable commentary "The
Left Rises from the Almost Dead", the Economist magazine raises the same
sort of concerns as Roach:

"In sum, the new stirrings of strength on the left take two forms. One is
the impulse towards union revival and class warfare; the other is the
interventionist, but reasonable, progressive idea. Neither has a majority
following in the country, but nor should either be ignored. Over the next
two years, Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore will need to keep a balance between
the two. What emerges may be a Democratic Party once again worthy of being
distinguished from the Republicans; or, alternatively, a backward-looking
party of resentment that stops the recovery in its tracks."

American socialists will be certain to strengthen the first impulse toward
"union revival and class warfare." The recent victory over UPS will serve
as a powerful inspiration.

Louis Proyect

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