Thanks very much for the lead.

Thanks for your message at 03:03 PM 10/31/97 +0000, Max B. Sawicky.  Your
message was:
>From:             Laurence Shute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:          Actual US Unemployment Rate??
><<I may be living in some alternate universe, but I've long thought 
>that the actual US unemployment rate was much higher (say, twice as 
>high) as the published figures.  Because of under counting of 
>undocumented residents, discouraged workers, and plain old missing of 
>large groups of poor.
>This morning I seem to have some sort of window of open-mindedness,
>however brief it may be, and wonder if anyone has thoughts on this
>today?  btw, this is one reason I have never thought we had a real
>inflationary danger in the past several years.>>
>The ADA regularly presents figures on an alternative
>unemployment rate along the lines you suggest.
>Check out their web site (noted below) if interested.
>                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                Home page:
>1625 K Street, N.W., Suite 210
>Washington, D.C. 20006
>e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
>fax:  (202) 785-5969
>phone:(202) 785-5980
>Max B. Sawicky            Economic Policy Institute
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]          1660 L Street, NW
>202-775-8810 (voice)      Ste. 1200
>202-775-0819 (fax)        Washington, DC  20036
>Opinions above do not necessarily reflect the views
>of anyone associated with the Economic Policy
>Institute other than this writer.

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