Dear Penlrs,

As we watch the Amazing Market Rollercoaster, something else to keep in
mind:  what is all this--markets crashing, currencies roiling, etc.--going
to do to the dervatives market?  And what are the D's going to do to
corporate america?  I've been tracking the fights w/ the SEC and FASB over
the new derivatives accounting/disclosure standards, and the impression
I've gotten is that a hell of a lot of companies have a ton of derivatives
that may blow up in their faces, and that not a lot of their CEOs may
realize it (there was a wonderful piece in Institutional Investor
describing the SEC's new rules on disclosing a company's derivatives
position where, in passing, the Investor noted that the rules shouldn't be
such a big deal because any sane company should already have this info at
their fingertips, but few do).  This won't show up for a bit, but when it
does, it should be very educational.

Speaking of education, if you're interested in getting a better grip on the
bizarre world of derivatives, you should definitely check out Frank
Partnoy's F.I.A.S.C.O., which just came out. It isn't as well written as
Michael Lewis' Liar's Poker, but it's much, much more horrifying.  It tells
the story of how Morgan Stanley got into the business of aggressively
selling various forms of toxic waste. Their attitude towards their clients
was best summed up by the time when Partnoy's boss put a picture on his
desk of cute little bunnies from a sporting magazine, the message being
that if he wanted  to succeed in this business, he needed to learn how to
kill cute bunnies, 'cause that's what they were doing to their clients.
Incidentally, F.I.A.S.C.O refers to an annual skeet-shooting event they
had, as part of their overall effort to pump up the level of blood-lust.

Anders Schneiderman
Financial Markets Center

Opinions here do not necessarily represent the
views of the Financial Markets Center   

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