It also includes the FARC of Colombia which is probably the group you 
meant in your last e-mail. They have a similar politics to the Communist 
Party of Colombia and hold some territory.

On Fri, 10 Oct 1997, john gulick wrote:

> Pen-l'ers,
> While I'm on the subject of guerillas, did anyone out there notice that
> the U.S. gov't (State Dep't I assume) has compiled a list of 30 "most-wanted"
> terrorist organizations world-wide, and has vowed to seize assets of these
> groups held in the U.S., and harass and deport members and backers of these
> groups who reside in the U.S. The NYT piece noted that the IRA/Sinn Fein is
> not on the list but the Tamil Tigers are. Has anyone seen the complete
> list ? It would be interesting to see if it includes any of the neo-fascist
> paramilitary factions of E. Europe (like the Chetniks). Undoubtedly it includes
> the Muslim Brotherhood and Tupac Amaru.
> John Gulick
> Ph. D. Candidate
> Sociology Graduate Program
> University of California-Santa Cruz
> (415) 643-8568

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